1 Core Factor in Getting Featured on Famous Blogs (Even if You Care Not to Hear it)

You may not want to hear this.

But I gotta tell you.

Getting featured on famous blogs requires something of you. Something most bloggers resist to embrace.

This something makes the difference. It is the great weeder out of bloggers.

What is it?


Watch this video as I discuss the factor:

Patiently Build Friendships

Patiently build friendships to land features on top blogs.

Slowly and persistently comment on top blogs. Promote top bloggers via your blog and social media accounts. Interview top bloggers. Email top bloggers asking how you can help them.

Set a months to years long time frame for landing features on big dawg blog. No way can you create enough of a buzz to land features on world famous blogs in days, or even weeks. Good things take time.

If it were easy to land features on famous blogs, the feature would lose its power.

If you could get featured on Virgin or Forbes quickly and easily, nobody would care that you landed the feature.

Be Happy That It’s Not Quick and Easy

Be happy that it’s not quick and easy to get mentioned on top blogs. If this were the case these features would lose their prestige.

Time cuts down the impatient, fear-driven, greedy or desperate blogger. Time weeds the delusional blogger from the herd. Time culls the lazy blogger from your niche.

Set a 6 month to 1 or 2 year time frame for nailing down interviews or mentions on world renowned blogs. Feel good about the time buffer; your patience rewards you.


Building bonds with top bloggers takes time. These established pros need to see more than one of your blog posts to begin trusting you. Big dawgs want to observe your full body of work to get a feel for your style and to ensure that you are not a flash in the pan.

Well known bloggers also want to avoid featuring someone who doesn’t blog from a heart-centered space. If the one or two helpful posts you publish are overshadowed by political rants, hateful fights and a general negative vibe on your blog, you won’t garner a mention or even retweet from a successful, heart centered blogger.

You must pass the test of time in order to move up in blogging circles.

Expand Your Reach

As more established bloggers grow to trust you, many will mention you on their blogs. Some bloggers may retweet your latest posts. Expect interviews on solid blogs to flow your way too.

These interviews, features and social media shares create the illusion of you being everywhere in your niche. This signals contributors from famous blogs to take notice; when you appear to be all over the place in your niche you pop up on the radar screen of top bloggers and/or their contributors.

Time Is Your Alley Not Your Enemy

Most bloggers struggle to land mentions on famous blogs because they believe time to be their enemy. If something takes a long time, it is a poor path to take.

The opposite is true.

Time is your alley.

If some strategy takes time to reap steady returns you are on the right track. Honor this signal. Patiently build friendships over years. Allow top bloggers to know, like and trust you.

Comment on top blogs. Promote top bloggers.

Eventually, successful bloggers will befriend you, promote you and expand your reach far and wide.

As your reach expands you set yourself up to be mentioned on top blogs.

The set up is about patiently paying your dues to move up in blogging circles.

Think in terms of years, not days.

Think of how you can help, not how you can squeeze features on famous blogs out of connected bloggers.

Your Turn

Have you been featured on famous blogs?

What tips can you share?

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