1 Smart Way to Look at Blog Content

I learned quite a bit about camels during my current trip in Oman.

Today I saw a few wild camels during a drive in the desert. Peep the featured image. We saw this chap a few meters away from the car, while taking a quick break in the Wahibi Sands region.

He chewed on some rough foliage. Dude made the most of what he had, food-wise. Or dudette, if female.

Camels are far from picky, being one of the few sentient beings able to survive and thrive in barren, desolate, harsh climates like the desert.

Opportunity Gobblers

Observing wild camels is like seeing a hyper successful blogger; both patiently, calmly and persistently gobble up opportunities. I spied camels calmly walking from shrub to shrub to graze on scant vegetation. No wild camel has bales of hay or endless jungle foliage at their disposal. Nope. Camels stop to grub on vegetation as foliage avails itself. Who knows the location of the next bush or little tree? My wife and I see miles of barren wasteland during drives, completely void of flora. I have yet to see a picky camel.

Ditto for pro bloggers. I spent over 5 hours driving today through the desert. But I gobbled up opportunities to:

  • write and publish a post on Blogging From Paradise
  • promote my blogging audio books
  • film 2 blogging tips videos and upload to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
  • write this guest post

all in only 2-3 hours of work-time. Even if I only have 8 instead of 16 hours to work with today, I seize and use the opportunities availing themselves during the 8 hours I have in front of a lappy, since I spent 5 on the road.

Gobble up opportunities to help people all day long. Succeed at blogging.

My friend Jan Verhoeff has found the 25th hour of the day. She is everywhere, gobbling up opportunities like a Blogging Miss Pacman. Follow her. Feed off of her opportunity seizing spirit.

Pssst….photo break. We saw this guy early during our trip.

Live off of Your Stores

Camels thrive in harsh, outright savage desert environments through the miracle of storage. Most sentient beings die after not ingesting water for a few days or weeks, especially in the desert. Camels live off of water ingested and stored in incredibly efficient fashion, not releasing much water through sweat or elimination. These ungulates are incredibly efficient creatures.

Successful bloggers know; money ain’t flowing through your blog for months or even years as a newbie, so you better live off of your savings or better yet, open new income streams while living off of savings stores. Most bloggers foolishly begin a blog believing the blog will make money in days, weeks or months, which is like a camel believing it will rain 10 inches every day, in the desert. Both blogger and camel are outright delusional, being fooled by a desert mirage.

Downpours eventually occur in the desert. Money eventually flows to you steadily through your blog. Until then, live off of your stores and open income streams outside of advertising, sponsored posts, or channels directly sourced through your blog.

My friend Christopher Jan Benitez runs a thriving freelance writing business. Follow him to see how it’s done.

Be Feisty!

Camels can be feisty animals, or downright nasty, if in a poor mood. People put up with their violent mood swings because of camel superiority over horses as desert transport.

Bloggers; no need to be feisty or nasty with other bloggers but be feisty or outright defiant if your silly little mind tries to con you into believing you are wasting your time blogging, based on your results. If I counted how many times my amusing mind tried to tell me to quit blogging because my results did not blow my doors off, I would have a  figure consistent with the grains of sand in the desert.

Persist! Be tenacious. No blogger succeeds by being meek, humble and wimpy. You need some pep, some feisty energies and spirit to become a full time blogger.

My wife Kelli at Life Made to Order can be a feisty blogger. Follow her, to mimic her passionate, sassy energy.

I need to go guys; desert run calls me.

The next time you see a camel on TV or in person, thank them for the successful blogging lessons.


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