1 Source of New Blogger Struggles and How to Dissolve it

2,000 plus videos ago I was a newbie video creator and a newbie blogger.

This was 10 years ago.

I was terrified to do most anything, blogging-wise. Which is the exact reason why I struggled so much.

I worried about everything; my guest posts would be rejected or criticized, nobody would watch my videos, I had not even dreamed of writing eBooks because nobody would buy and read them, and the list went on.

I worried about all things blogging.

I rarely if ever did anything about that worry.

Naturally, I struggled to drive traffic and profits because if you cower to your fears – and wimp out at your worries – you never do the practicing, creating and connecting that precedes a successful blogging venture.

These days, I feel like a natural doing live videos. I ended my struggles in this area, and throughout many areas of my blogging campaign.

Watch this video as I discuss this common blogging struggle and how to dissolve these energies:


Worry is likely at the core of your blogging struggles.

Worrying about doing live videos, or whether or not you are wasting your time doing what you are doing, blogging-wise. Or worrying about writing and submitting your first blog post. Or flat out worrying whether or not you are doing this blogging-thingee right.

Worry cuts your newbie blogging campaign off at the knees. No way you can do the things that successful budding bloggers do if you cower to your newbie worries.

Fear Feeds Worry

Fear feeds worry.

If you worry about anything blogging-wise the worry grows out of fear.

I had an intense fear of failing and an equally strong fear of criticism as a new blogger. I also feared I was wasting my time doing stuff like commenting on blogs and promoting successful bloggers.

For a long time I cowered to these fears, fed my worries and struggled horribly with my blog. I didn’t uncover the secret of successful blogging – whether you are a newbie or a pro – until well into my blogging career.

What’s the secret to dissolving your blogging struggles?

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

I feared creating live videos some 6 months ago. I had filmed a few but never got the hang of doing the live bit on Facebook and Periscope. I feared I’d look stupid and that critics would level me.

I felt the fear.

I did it anyway.

Creating live videos is an effortless process for me now. I was even featured as a live video guy to watch by Zac Johnson on John Chow’s blog. I felt the fear. I did it anyway. I broadcast my first live video. Hundreds of videos later I have driven traffic and blogging profits through this marketing medium, all because I dove in to do the videos even though I felt highly uncomfortable going live the first few times.

Whatever you fear as a newbie, struggling blogger, feel the fear and do it anyway. This is the fool proof way to building a successful blog and to dissolving your biggest blogging struggles because diving into your fears starves your worries.

Kill the Fear and Starve the Worry

Kill your blogging fears to starve your blogging worries.

Feel the fear of writing and submitting your first guest post. Going through the process – whether you place the guest post or get rejected – is the simplest way to remove any anxiety from the guest posting deal.

What you needlessly worried about was no big deal. After a few guest post submissions the process flows smoothly, easily and seamlessly, and all the emotional charge exits stage left.

Such is the power of doing what you fear doing, no matter what.

Dive into your blogging fears.

Dissolve your newbie blogging struggles.

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