1 Surprising Aspect of Successful Blogging that Woke Me Up

You are ready to make more money blogging.

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I see it.

I feel it.

So never ask questions like this:

Fear-filled bloggers ask such questions.

People afraid to lose money ask such questions.

Since where your energy goes, grows, if you fear losing money, you lose money.

Can you see why few bloggers make money?

Most humans and bloggers fear losing money.

Making money through blogging becomes impossible if you fear losing money.

You cannot fear losing money and make money simultaneously. Impossible.

You cannot feel abundant, rich, whole and complete, and lose money. Impossible.

Analyze this Question

The Quora user asking above question typifies many bloggers who fear:

  • losing money
  • spending money
  • being scammed
  • being spammed

Said fear co-creates fear-filled, poverty-inducing, failed results.

Life mirrors your energy.

Few bloggers make money because few bloggers feel abundant, rich, whole and complete.

Your Energy Dominates Your Actions and Life

I recall working really hard creating, connecting and doing stuff successful bloggers told me to do.

I still went broke.


No matter how hard I worked and no matter what proven, successful blogging advice I followed, my energy screamed:

  • fear
  • lack
  • limitation
  • poverty
  • scarcity
  • no money

so I manifested lack, poverty, scarcity and no money.

Your energy dominates everything.

How to Make More Money Blogging

I decided to visualize riches, to feel wealthy, to focus on blogging wins and to keep things positive.

Almost instantly, I began to make more money blogging because I changed my predominant feeling to rich, abundant, wealthy vibes.

Money appeared in my bank account through 2 income streams with minimal work. I got an idea to promote my blogging course frequently; I sold more courses. I linked to my eBooks frequently to boost eBook income. Toss in acting on an idea to SEO optimize posts and I made even more money blogging through passive, targeted Google traffic.

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Money flowed to me because I visualized myself with more money, I chose to feel rich, I emitted a calm, confident vibe, and I felt detached and knowing riches are mine.

As within, so without.

Go From Lack to Lots

The person asking the Quora question allowed fear to dominate their mind, focusing on lack of opportunities. Such folks are broke or go broke fast because where your attention and energy goes, grows.

Focus on lots. Concentrate on the idea of abundant. Feel rich by visualizing yourself with riches. Count all of your blogging wins. Keep things positive.

Life just follows your mindset. Experiences follow where you choose to put your attention and energy.

Few bloggers make money because few bloggers choose to focus their mind on abundance, wealth, riches, success and positive ideas.

Choose to make money blogging now. Visualize yourself being wealthy. Feel opulence. Step into the spirit of opulence.

Pull out your credit card to invest in my blogging course. Investing money makes you more money. Money circulates; release it to see it return to you multiplied.

Rich people feel and act this way. Emulate bloggers who make money.

Think, feel and act rich to earn riches.

Make money blogging.

Step away from the herds of bloggers who focus on lack.

Think abundance.


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