1 Tip For Avoiding Nightmare Clients And Fruitless Blogging Business Partnerships

I love the movie Rocky.


Did you know how the movie came into being?

Sly Stallone was broke when he wrote the script for Rocky. So broke he had to sell his dog – which starred in the movie as Butkus – because he could not afford to feed his dog.

When he shopped around the script he had 1 condition: he had to play the starring role. No wiggle room there. Non-negotiable.

Sly Stallone did not have much acting experience at the time. He was a relative newb to the industry. Naturally, he didn’t receive many bites.

One day, someone came along and offered him over $200,000 to buy and develop the script for the movie. But this individual would choose a more established actor. No Sly Stallone as the lead.

Stallone has little money at the time – remember, he had to sell his dog because he couldn’t afford to feed his pooch – but he said “No”. He turned down the offer of $200,000 plus even though he likely had hundreds of dollars to his name.

Most people would believe he is nuts. But he had posture. He would only accept the perfect opportunity that would allow him to be an actor, and creator, of the movie.

A while later, someone came along, bought the script for a large sum of money, and agreed to keep Sly as the leading actor, aka, Rocky.

This was the springboard movie, the cult classic, that set the table for Stallone to be one of the most recognizable and wealthiest actors of all time.

Because Sylvester Stallone turned down $200,000 when he only had hundreds of dollars – because he didn’t find the perfect match – he is not worth $400,000,000 today.

Imagine that?

This is one of the greatest stories I’ve read concerning having posture.

If you only say “Yes” to good matches, you will lay the groundwork for a happy, prospering career, in any endeavor.

How to Avoid Nightmare Clients and Fruitless Blogging Business Partnerships

I have experienced only 1-2 nightmare clients and fruitless business partnerships.

In each case I said “Yes” to the deal even though I intuitively knew I was agreeing to a non match.

In these cases I said “No” to fun and “Yes” to finances. I ignored my intuition. I didn’t allow my joy or passion or love for the opportunity, to rule my decision. Of course, I received evidence of the poor decision when the deal went South.

If you want to avoid bad blogging business partnerships, only agree to ventures that:

  • feel fun, free, and fulfilling
  • make you feel alive
  • seem to complement your passions perfectly
  • involve loving, caring and compassionate people
  • are void of seriousness, tension and stress

Where your attention and energy goes, grows. Meaning, if you give your attention and energy to fun, fulfilling business partnerships you will see fun, fulfilling and financially-rewarding, harmonious results from these partnerships.

More importantly, you will completely avoid nightmare clients and lame, failing business deals.


I explain how letting go non matches helps you find the perfect blogging clients and business partnerships in this HD video.

Watch if you prefer seeing my talking head along with a cute black cat in the background.

Your Turn

Now it’s time to assess where you may be chasing dollars or working with non matches, just to make some money or to chase some imagined opportunity which has pulled you down a path you wish not to travel.

After you watch the video above, ask yourself how you can better let go non matches.

Are you only agreeing to business partnerships that feel fun and freeing? Do you only work with clients who are a pleasure to help? How are you developing greater blogging posture?

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