10 Expert Insights to Help You Update Your Online Marketing Strategy

If you want your business to be relevant in 2020, you need your online marketing strategy to keep up with changes in social media, video marketing, content creation, and SEO. To learn about the trends, insights, and predictions that could impact your strategy in 2020, here are some relevant tips from members of the online small business community.

Develop Your Online Marketing Strategy for YouTube

YouTube can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach their customers in new ways. But you need a clear strategy in order to make the most of the platform. Get some valuable insights for building your YouTube marketing strategy in this GetResponse post by Joshua Schofield.

Learn How to Handle a Social Media Crisis

Social media is almost mandatory for businesses today. But for as much upside as they offer, they can also lead to major scandals for businesses. If you’re dealing with the downside of social media, you need to know how to act in a crisis. Learn more in this Social Media HQ post by Christian Zilles.

Make Use of Expert SEO Strategies

If you want to improve your SEO strategy in 2020, you may need some insights from the experts. In this Flash Point Digital Marketing post, Minuca Elena compiles some expert insights that may help small businesses in 2020. And BizSugar members shared thoughts on the post here.

Navigate the Hottest New Logo Trends

Logos and visuals are essential for your website, social media, and a variety of other marketing materials. So if your logo is old or not in line with the brand image that you want to portray, it could be worth looking into some more current trends. This CrowdSpring post by Katie Lundin includes some of the hottest logo design trends for 2020.

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Learn Content Marketing Lessons from TV and Film Finales

When you’re creating content for your customers, you’re ultimately trying to tell a story. So you can draw parallels between business content and TV and movies. If you want to improve your content, there may be lessons to learn from some recent finales. Learn more in this TopRank Marketing post by Joshua Nite.

Integrate SEO into Your Online Reputation Management Strategy

Managing your reputation online is a very important part of marketing your business. And search engines play a major role in that. To learn how the two concepts converge and get some essential tips for your own strategy, read this Search Engine Watch post by Sameer Somal.

Improve Your User Experience with Simple Web Design Principles

If you want to gain more online customers, your website needs to be equipped to actually convert them. This means that you really need to focus on your site’s user experience. In this UpCity post, Ahmed Borai goes over some web design principles you need to focus on.

Look for the Latest Market Research Trends

Keeping an eye on your market is essential for creating an effective marketing strategy. If you want to learn all about the latest trends and research in content marketing, social media, email, video, and search, read this Mostly Blogging post by Janice Wald. Then head over to the BizSugar community to see what members are saying.

Keep Up with Local Search Changes

The local search landscape is constantly changing. So if you want to continue making the most of SEO for your local business, you need to keep up with the latest trends and predictions. Stephanie Newton shares some insights in this Bright Local post that may be helpful for small businesses in 2020.

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Work with Freelance Writers for Your Business Blog

A blog can be incredibly valuable for marketing your business online. But it’s not always possible for you to handle everything on your own. That’s where freelance writers can be really helpful. To make the most of freelancers for your business blog, check out this Biz Penguin post by Ivan Widjaya.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].

Image: Depositphotos.com

More in: Online Marketing

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