10 Signs You’re in Need of A Holiday

It’s that time of year again, the smiling faces of colleagues who are off on holiday are beginning to become increasingly commonplace around the office.

You’re yet to plan your getaway and so have convinced yourself that spending some time at home will be just as fun as a sun-drenched holiday abroad…but it’s hard to ignore the signs that it’s time to get out of the office in search of some sun, sea and sand!

You know you need a holiday when:

1. You change your desktop background to an exotic beach scene. Report writing and H2 planning spreadsheets seem that little bit more fun when there’s a gloriously golden beach and a turquoise ocean to look at.

2. You’re checking lastminute.com constantly on your lunch break. Oh, the possibilities; a few days in Rome, a week sunning yourself in Majorca, or maybe a staycation in Devon if the weather behaves itself.

3. Your pallid skin serves as a blinding reflector to the sunshine outside…it’s time for a holiday!

4. You’ve spent excessive amounts of £££ on summer clothes fantasising about how one day, you might actually get to wear them. Let’s face it: if you’re staying at home in England for your holiday break, you usually need nothing more than a fleece, some jeans and perhaps a kagool.

5. You sigh incessantly whilst window-gazing, trying to remember what sun and warmth feels like. *sigh*

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6. You develop an impulsive need to wear summer colours and cake on fake tan to fool employees (and yourself) that you’re making the most of your summer. Just don’t give the game away by exposing the fact that your palms have gone a dark shade of oompa-loompa orange.

7. There’s a dramatic increase in the amount of coffee you have to drink to be able to function around colleagues.

8. Your gym attendance has dropped completely. No longer are you participating in the after-work run because, with no holiday on the horizon, the motivation is gone. What’s the point?

9. Social media is a no-go zone. Why do we torment ourselves by spending our lunch break scrolling through the seemingly endless feeds of our friends’ holiday endeavours? Thanks, but no thanks. *Unfriend*.

10. You don’t even realise summer is upon us! Working in an office that leaves you unable to actually gauge the weather and temperature levels of the outside world, it’s easy to let the short summer months pass us by.

Ticked off more than one from our list? It’s time to grab your passport and book that holiday!

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