10 Tips and Tools for Bringing Your Business into 2019

Every year, small businesses need to look back and determine what worked for their business and what strategies may need to be adjusted for the coming year. But these adjustments don’t need to be reserved for January 1. If you want to get a head start on preparing your business for 2019, check out these tips, insights and resources from members of the online small business community.

Adjust Your Marketing Strategy with the Loss of Google+

By now, you’ve probably learned that Google is shutting down Google+ next year. Though the popularity of this platform burned out fairly quickly, its loss could still impact some marketing factors for local businesses. Learn more about how to adjust your strategy in this Bright Local post by Jamie Pitman.

Identify Upcoming Content Marketing Trends

If you want your content marketing strategy to continue to be effective going into 2019, you need to consider what trends are affecting consumers and other businesses. Constant adjustments are important. So check out this TopRank Marketing post by Joshua Nite for more insights on the B2B marketing trends of 2019.

Use Voice Activated Tech to Up Your Content Marketing Game

Voice assistants and other voice activated tech are changing the way people interact with online content. That also means that your strategy for reaching people online has to adjust. To update your strategy, check out this Content Marketing Institute post by Jodi Harris.

Solve a Common Podcasting Pain Point with this Automation Tip

Automation is working its way into so many industries and business functions — including podcasting. If you have a podcast and are looking to make the posting process easier, this post from Ileane Smith could help. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community here.

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Measure the Effectiveness of Your Facebook Ads

Facebook recently introduced a new tool for measuring the impact of your advertising campaigns. Keeping track of this data is important for all businesses looking to achieve great ROI. So visit Search Engine Journal to read more about this update from Matt Southern.

Find the Best Franchise Opportunities Online

If you’re thinking about buying a franchise, the options available to you could easily seem a bit overwhelming. With so many businesses to choose from, it’s important that you do plenty of research up front. And Franchise websites tend to offer a lot of relevant information — as long as you know what to look for. Joel Libava of The Franchise King shares more in this post.

Improve the Quality of Your Photos with These Mobile Apps

Quality images are essential to any site, social platform or marketing material. If you prefer managing your visuals on a mobile device, there are apps you can use to improve the quality. Shane Barker lists some of the top options in this post on the Social Media Examiner blog.

Benefit from Coworking Spaces and Serviced Offices in Hotels

Remote work has become much more common in recent years. And with that, people have started to realize the benefit of coworking spaces. Now, hotels are also getting in on the action, as Are Morch explains in this post. You can also see commentary from members of the BizSugar community here.

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Enhance Instagram Post Conversions with These Tools

If you constantly post interesting content on Instagram but don’t see much of an actual impact on your business, you may have a conversion problem. You can increase sales and gain customers using the platform, but you may want to check out the tools in this Quick Sprout post by Neil Patel first.

Evolve Your Retail Tech Beyond 2018

Much has been made about the “death of retail” in recent years. But the retailers that are still around understand how important it is to change with the times. Technology offers huge opportunities for retailers. In this Biz Penguin post, Ivan Widjaya details how you can evolve your tech beyond what’s available in 2018.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected]

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