10 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Sales Strategy – Small Business Trends

There isn’t just one way to increase sales for your business. There are low-cost strategies, new online platforms and important support functions you need to keep in mind in order to build sustainable success. Here are some tips from members of the online small business community for increasing sales and growing your business.

Increase Sales on a Tight Budget

Increasing sales doesn’t have to be a costly process. There are plenty of strategies that businesses with tight budgets can make use of to get more prospects and convert them into customers. Michael Zhou elaborates in this DIY Marketers post.

Generate Leads from YouTube Live

Livestreaming holds a lot of potential for sales professionals to grow their networks and convert sales online. Specifically, YouTube Live offers a large network of viewers and a lot of interesting features. Learn more in this post by Neil Patel.

Use This Checklist for Social Media Strategy Success

If you want to grow your business and increase sales using social media, you need a great strategy. To create such a strategy, here’s a simple checklist to provide guidance from Dhariana Lozano. You can also see what BizSugar members are saying about the post.

Increase Ecomerce Sales with Shopping Apps

A recent report suggests retailers with shopping apps are now seeing more of their sales come from mobile. So this could be a powerful tactic for businesses to utilize. See the data and learn how it can benefit your business in a recent Marketing Land post.

Don’t Let Your Customer Service Strategy Make Things Worse

Some businesses attempt to get creative with their customer service, relying on forums and bots to provide answers when customers have tech issues or questions. However, you need to make sure these strategies provide actual value to customers, or else it could do some damage to your brand. In a recent Target Marketing post, Thorin McGee shares a story to illustrate this point.

Improve Your Customers’ Shipping Experience

When you’re selling online, shipping is a huge part of the customer experience. So you need to eliminate issues as much as possible and create a process that makes them want to buy from you again. Ivan Widjaya offers some tips in a Biz Epic post.

Make the Most of Instagram Stories for Your Business

Social media can also make an impact on your ability to make sales, especially on platforms where you can authentically speak to and interact with customers — like Instagram Stories. If you’re looking to make the most of Instagram Stories, here are some tips from Michael Steizner on Social Media Examiner.

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Employee Morale

Your sales team and the rest of your employees are integral to the success of your business. So you need to always keep employee morale top of mind. James Daniels explains its importance in a post on the Pixel Productions blog. And BizSugar members share commentary on the post too.

Use These Strategies to Beat Big Brands

As a small business, it can be difficult to compete in markets with much larger competitors. However, some recent data might offer helpful strategies small brands can use to level the playing field. Learn more in a recent Search Engine Journal post by Roger Montti.

Crush Your B2B Social Media Marketing

For some businesses, increasing sales isn’t just about going after individual consumers. There are also strategies for attracting new B2B customers on social media platforms. Here are some of the top tips from Blair Evan Ball on the Prepare 1 blog.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected]

Image: Shutterstock

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