14 Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Tips for Increasing Productivity

Maintaining productivity at work can be a challenge for most business professionals. It can be very difficult to stay at the top of your game each and every day.

That’s why we asked 14 successful entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council the following question:

Q. What is your top tip for everyday productivity at work?

1. Start with your most impactful task

Before each workday, I make a list of the top three things that I need to accomplish that will make the biggest impact on moving my business forward. I stay focused on completing each task one at a time, and don’t allow other distractions such as emails or small tasks take over my day. —Diana Goodwin, AquaMobile


2. Manage deadlines

Keep two sets of deadlines. Have a master list of when things must be completed and a wish list of when you would prefer things get finished. Setting the bar higher for yourself reduces your chances of dropping the ball and making a mistake, or overlooking an important detail. —Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker

3. Do the thing you dread first

Whatever you’re dreading the most, get it over with first. That way, you won’t spend your day worrying about it and procrastinating, and it won’t affect your energy levels because you’ll have already accomplished it. The key to staying productive is having a high level of energy throughout the day. It makes accomplishing tasks so much easier. —Rachel Beider, Massage Greenpoint, Massage Williamsburg

4. Block off your mental prime time

Identify when you are the most productive and focus on the tasks that are the highest priority to complete during that time. To do so, eliminate distractions such as calls and emails, and instead use the time you are at your mental best to accomplish your most important tasks. —Doug Bend, Bend Law Group, PC

5. Avoid multitasking

There is no such thing as multitasking—it’s actually rapidly changing tasks, reducing focus, and significantly increasing switching costs. To avoid the temptation to multitask, turn off all notifications so you control your communication flow. Batch tasks, including email, as much as possible. Create office hours, so you can have undisturbed time to execute. —Jonathan Gass, Nomad Financial

6. Establish a morning ritual

Setting a morning ritual has been instrumental in my daily productivity. Having a nourishing breakfast, getting in a workout, and setting aside time for meditation each morning helps prepare me for my day ahead by helping me stay focused and energized. —Mark Krassner, Expectful

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7. Make handwritten to-do lists

I’ve learned that keeping handwritten to-do lists on my desk helps me stay on track. If I am traveling, then I have a planner that has my handwritten to-do lists. I find it easier to get everything done on my list if I write it down. Keeping an electronic version on my phone or laptop just isn’t enough. —Kristin Marquet, Creative Development Agency, LLC

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