2 Blogging Lessons Learned During a New York City Deluge

The Blogging Big Dawgs chatted about how to blog for business at Affiliate Summit East in New York City.

After meeting Kulwant Nagi and talking shop – and travel – I learned 10 blogging lessons from these 7 figure bloggers.

Following these lessons cuts years from your learning curve guys.

Zac Johnson.

John Chow.

Syed Balkhi.

Jeremy Schoemaker.

Tune in and prosper.

1: Get Personal

Zac led off with a transparency gem; get personal and authentic to connect with readers.

He shares how he’s lived with an autoimmune disease. These guys are human beings, folks, who face obstacles and heartache, just like you.

No better way to connect with readers than by sharing some personal stories from your life. Share your life away from the laptop. Bond with readers. Be human. Blog about it.

2: Add Humor

I knew little about Jeremy before today save he being the Shoemoney Guy with big Google checks.

Turns out he is candid, highly knowledgeable and extremely funny, dripping with wit.

Being funny removes tension and lets readers put their guards down. Which is why I sometimes blog of being attacked by lady boy prostitutes in Bangkok or wild men in Nepal, linking to blogging lessons, of course.

Add humor to your blog. Lighten up. Educate and entertain to be memorable.

3: Blog Your Passion

John explained how blogging your passion helps you monetize effectively.

Blog on a topic you know and blog on a topic you enjoy writing about. All these blogging big dawgs stressed this point; during lean months, being detached from outcomes lays the base for successful blogging, as you’ll create value and help folks and be detached, without any strong agendas clouding your vision.

4: BE Your Passion

Syed was BEING his passion during da chat.

Dude almost broke a sweat up there talking about martech. He blogs his passion and he BEs his passion, embodying an energy quite uncommon in blogging. Unless you follow my Facebook Live videos. Then that energy is quite common.

Allow your blogging niche passion to infuse your being. Do live videos. Do podcasts. Let people feel your love, persistently, to become hyper successful, because passion infects readers and viewers. In a good way.

5: Focus on the Process

None of these bloggers likely envisioned millions during early blogging days. Every one stressed simply creating something valuable because they enjoyed blogging on their chosen topics; this was the end goal. No strong agendas or addiction to outcomes.

Focusing on the process of creating valuable, helpful resources sets a granite-like foundation for a stunningly successful blogging career through your:

  • generosity
  • patience
  • detachment
  • persistence

Fall in love with the process. See outcomes like traffic or profits as extras, or bonuses, or icing on the cake.

6: Get a Life Away from da Home Office

Jeremy and John advised bloggers to meet and greet folks away from your home office to combat loneliness.

Jeremy works out of coffee shops sometimes. John does his meet up series on YouTube.

My wife Kelli and I circle the globe, meeting new bloggers, digital nomads, expats and locals all over the world, from New Zealand to India to Costa Rica to Fiji.

Get a life. Make friends offline. Have fun and develop some range to avoid being a 1 dimensional blogger.

7: Reframe Trend Spotting

Syed shared a brilliant nugget that Zac seconded; stop looking for the next big thing in 5 years and simply open up to what problems you can solve now from a different angle, over the next 5 years.

Now exists.

Time is illusory.

Forget trend seeking.

Spot pressing needs now. Reframe solutions. Prosper.

8: Create the Niche Versus Seeking an Already Established Niche

More brilliance from Syed.

He made a point I bemoan you to honor, again and again, to where you want to smack me by now.

YOU are the niche. YOU create the niche.

Sure you may pick a blogging niche based on keyword research, demand, competition, and that jazz. But following your passion solving a problem nobody seems to be solving now can make you wildly successful while having fun.

Don’t be afraid to discover/uncover/create a new niche with zero competition or without the appearance of a heavy demand. Your energy co-creates the niche. Believe that.

9: Bank on Death Avoidance as a Profitable Blogging Niche

Funny story John Chow shared about a some say morbid but highly profitable domain name he gobbled up.

Had to add it.

10: Successful Blogging Ain’t a 1 Person Show

These world famous bloggers noted making a pretty penny through affiliate marketing by folks with huge followings signing up for products and services through their site.

Nobody makes a blogging fortune from scratch.

Established internet marketers and bloggers have:

  • bought all of my eBooks (boosting my eBook sales and Amazon Associate sales)
  • bought most if not all of my audio books
  • promoted me freely
  • endorsed me freely

all leading to my island hopping, pro blogging lifestyle.

We succeed together. Not solo.

We support each other.

Lone blogging wolves struggle, fail and quit while team players with big friend networks succeed wildly.

Wrapping it Up

Learn from these blogging icons guys.

Increased traffic and profits are yours if you follow advice from hyper successful bloggers.

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