20 Surprising Digital Marketing Stats Every Hotel Marketer Should Know in 2019

Hotel Email Marketing

Despite all the attention given to social media and mobile marketing, email marketing still holds a place at the big kids’ table, as one of the most continually successful online marketing platforms, in terms of both reach and ROI. Here are some numbers to consider:

  1. As of 2018, there were 3.8 billion global email users. That number is expected to reach to 4.4 billion users by 2023 (Statista, 2019).
  2. More than 50% of U.S. users check their personal email more than 10 times per day. It is also, by far, their preferred means of receiving brand updates (HubSpot, 2019).
  3. 49.1% of email is opened on mobile devices (IBM, 2018).

Learn More:

3 Quick Ways to Drive More Bookings from Hotel Email Campaigns

Hotel Digital Display Advertising

Display ads are one of the oldest forms of online hotel advertising, going all the way back to the humble banner ad. However, today’s audiences have a different opinion and level of patience with digital ads, requiring an evolved set of tactics. Here’s what you should know before putting together a plan for online advertising:

  1. Display ads have only three seconds to convey their intended brand message (The Manifest, 2018).
  2. The average click-through rate (CTR) of display ads is 0.05% across all formats and placements (Smart Insights, 2019).
  3. Retargeting campaigns are 76% more likely to receive clicks than standard display ad campaigns (Remarketing.com, 2019).
  4. Global digital ad spending is predicted to reach $333.25 billion in 2019, comprising roughly 50% of the total global ad market for the first time in history (eMarketer, 2019).
  5. When asked to name the most challenging barriers to success, 49% of digital marketers said “increasing customer engagement,” 46% said “increasing customer acquisition,” and 40% responded, “increasing sales prospects/leads” (Ascend2, 2019).

Learn More:

Why Travel Intent Products Are Baffling Hoteliers

Hotel Social Media Marketing

According to Statista, 79% of Americans have a social networking profile as of 2019, representing 247 million domestic social media users. By providing an intimate, engaging means of communicating with customers, social media has drastically changed how hotels interact with and captivate their target audiences. Here are some key stats to keep in mind when putting together your hotel’s social media strategy:

  1. 55% of users buy products online after discovering these products through social media (Kleiner Perkins, 2018).
  2. 73% of consumers want to see social media posts concerning discounts and sales. Further, 60% of consumers want to see posts showcasing new products and services. Also, 59% of consumers want to see posts that are educational (SproutSocial, 2019).
  3. There are now over 1 billion active monthly Instagram users, including 500 million who access their stories daily (Instagram, 2019).

Learn More:

3 Reasons Facebook & Instagram Ads Are Snatching Up Space In Your Media Plan

Hotel Mobile Marketing

Consumer reliance on mobile devices increases each day, with smartphones now the world’s primary internet access device. That’s why optimizing your hotel marketing efforts for mobile devices should be one of your top priorities. Consider the following:

  1. Roughly two billion people worldwide use their smartphone as their lone internet device, representing 51% of global mobile users. That number is expected to reach 72.6% in 2025, comprising 3.7 billion users (World Advertising Research Center, 2019).
  2. Some three out of five consumers check their email via mobile, and 75% say they use smartphones most frequently to check email (Fluent, 2018). Meanwhile, nearly 80% of the time spent on social media sites occurs on mobile devices (Lyfemarketing, 2018).
  3. The average click-through rate (CTR) for Google search ads on mobile is 4.1%, nearly a full percentage point higher than the 3.17% average CTR for desktop ads (WordStream, 2018).
  4. 60% of Google searches are performed on mobile devices. Five years prior, that number was just 34% (Statista, 2019).

Learn More:

Lacking Mobility? Try Facebook Canvas Ads

Is the iPhone Killing Your Hotel Revenue?

Hotel SEO

As the rules and algorithms driving search engine optimization (SEO) continue to evolve each year, it’s more crucial than ever for hotel marketers to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO developments and techniques to increase their hotel’s online search rankings. Here’s some food for thought:

  1. 72% of marketers say that relevancy—including the building of relevant content—is the primary factor for improving SEO (SEO Tribunal, 2019).
  2. Voice search is expected to account for $40 billion in retail sales in the U.S. by year-end 2022, and another $5 billion in the U.K. (Voicebot.ai, 2018).

Learn More:

Hotel SEO: How will Google’s new EAT Algorithm affect your property?

Hotel Content Marketing

Creating compelling destination and hotel content (blogs, videos, visitor guides, “insider” tips, etc.) has the power to attract, engage and inform travelers and meeting planners, while also establishing your property as a unique experience provider. Here are some vital stats to frame your content strategy:

  1. Companies that publish 16 or more blog posts per month receive nearly 3.5 times more traffic than companies that publish between zero and four posts per month (HubSpot, 2019).
  2. Inbound marketing delivers 53% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound marketing tactics (HubSpot, 2018).*
  3. 83% of users still prefer article and video content over trendier content formats such as podcasts and infographics (Contently, 2019).

Learn More:

Be A Storyteller, Not A Seller

About Tambourine

Tambourine uses technology and creativity to increase revenue for hotels and destinations worldwide. The firm, now in its 34th year, is located in New York City, Carlsbad and Fort Lauderdale. Please visit: www.Tambourine.com.

About Tambourine

Tambourine is transforming hotel e-commerce. The Firm has become an instrumental partner for elite hoteliers, hotel management and asset management firms seeking to outperform their compset, improve bottom-line profitability and decrease OTA-dependence.

We deliver targeted managed service programs that ensure maximum traffic and conversions across all digital channels. Our team utilizes our own best-in-class technology to empower your property… giving you the confidence and ability to achieve your ownership’s revenue goals.

The firm is celebrating its 35th year in business. For more information about Tambourine, visit www.Tambourine.com

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