3 Compelling Types of Blog Video Content That Are Easy to Create

Nowadays more and more blogs are turning to videos to provide compelling content for their audience. In fact videos have been proven to be able to engage viewers far more effectively than any other type of content, which is why you should be thinking about using them as well.

At first you might be a bit apprehensive due to the fact that videos seem difficult to produce. However there are lots of different types of blog video content that are easy to create, and as a start you could look into the following:

‘Talking head’ video blogs

A ‘talking head’ video is the most common type of video blog (vlog), and by far the easiest to create. All you need to do is set up your webcam or smartphone to record yourself as you discuss a particular topic or explain something.

Generally ‘talking head’ videos are personality-driven, and so its effectiveness will largely come down to how passionate, entertaining and interesting you are in the video. Needless to say the topics that you choose to discuss or explain have a part to play as well.

Interviews or discussion panels

Conducting an interview with an expert in a field related to your blog can be a great form of content, as can hosting a discussion panel comprised of several experts with differing standpoints. While it may seem like this type of content involves significant logistics – it can be accomplished more easily by conducting it via a video call and conference that you can then record from your screen.

In order for interviews or discussion panels to be effective, the topic, as well as the participants, need to be interesting enough to hook viewers. This is something you will often find on BloggingTips.com the YEC Expert discussions. We get to interview a wide range of experts, and they provide their opinion and expertise on various blogging and marketing issues. To make this experience even more engaging, it’s recommended to take a short video interview with each guest, and then compile them into one nice video for your audience, which could also be shared on YouTube.

Video guides

One of the most popular forms of videos on blogs would have to be video guides – and for good reason. By teaching viewers how to perform a certain task or helping them learn something new, these videos are useful and tend to be able to engage viewers very effectively.

Video guides can be created using a lot of different ways, including recording a simple guide using a smartphone or screen recorder. However you could just as easily compile images and some video footage into a slideshow that can act as a video guide.

One way that you may want to consider to start easily creating video content for your blog is by using Movavi Slideshow Maker. As you can guess by its name it is a slideshow software that will let you compile video slideshows out of images. More importantly however its features will let you add audiovisual elements that will set your slideshows apart.

With the features in Movavi Slideshow Maker you can incorporate videos into your slides, add background music, include a voiceover, insert text elements, apply effects and filters, add animated transitions, and more. In fact it has an ‘Easy mode’ that you can use to quickly compile simple slideshow videos in just a matter of minutes.

If you try Movavi Slideshow Maker you’ll be able to quickly see just how easy it is to create a video with its help. Once you do you can then start to create a wide range of content and take advantage of its features to make them look unique and compelling.

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