3 Democratic Senators Being Busted for Running Underage Prostitution Ring Is Fake News

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Reports that three Democratic senators were busted for running an underage prostitution ring are false. Rumors that Gov. Chris Christie’s office announced that state senators from New Jersey were arrested stemmed from a self-described “conservative satire” website.

According to Snopes, the fake claim originated on Ladies of Liberty, a website that publishes fake news and political satire. The article claimed that Senators Sherat, Longwell and Mackelroy were arrested for running a child prostitution ring that involved girls as young as 12 years old. It purported:

When the Comet Pizza child prostitution ring was exposed, the Democrats and globalists behind it turned it into a public shaming of conservatives. They fed misinformation that sent a concerned patriot overboard to our groups and pages through fake news. Before long, anyone who believed in a child prostitution ring was “crazy like Alex Jones.”

The origins of that ring have now been exposed more than 250 miles away in Crossfield, New Jersey, where three State Senators and the Democrat Party Chair for The Northeast have been taken into custody by a New Jersey “black ops” recovery team.

The report, however, is entirely fabricated. The senators referenced in the article are completely fictitious—the real New Jersey state senators are Robert Menéndez and Cory Booker. Additionally, Ladies of Liberty explain in their disclaimer that articles are not meant to be taken seriously:

Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical.

The Ladies of Liberty website also lists their satire “rating” and description at the bottom of every page:

Here’s an example of the fake story being shared on social media:

Social Media Shares Fake Story about 3 Democratic Senators Being Busted for Running Underage Prostitution Ring

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Have you seen the fake story about three Democratic senators being arrested for running an underage prostitution ring circulating social media? What are your thoughts on self-described satire websites? Sound off in the comments section below!

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