3 Efficient Steps to Multiply Affiliate Marketing Income

Affiliate Marketing is the Internet’s gift to most of us in the blogging industry. Without investing in product creation and after-sales services, anyone blogging is able to generate quite exciting sums from a simple blog.

All you have to do is read around for a few tips and tricks to get started. For better results, you may want to invest in some courses (Like this affiliate marketing video course by Zac Johnson — link includes 7 coupons to save 90% off) to get yourself educated and join some niche communities to boost your income.

I have read quite much and written heavily on the subject. Along the line, I found out that connecting some dots could build up foolproof money making methods. In affiliate marketing, there is hardly anything very new. For the most part, you just have to tweak what already has been working for the past years.

If you read my 3-p method, you will find out that there is nothing very new in it. It’s simply about adding some freshness into what you may already know and this without doubt will push your earnings through the roof

Below, these are simple steps that will inject some magic into your money making affiliate marketing activities. Each step set apart is surely something you have been doing before.  But putting them together as a method spins things all around.

3 steps to earn more money with affiliate marketing

Step 1: Find a problem-solving product

As a matter of fact, there are different products/services in different niches out there. I have promoted entertainment and information based products. Consumers of such products may not really get a critical problem resolved with using them. There is a huge market in these industries though and many marketers are killing in it. But if you can help your readers solve a problem, they will pay you for it.

The kind of product you promote on your blog matters a lot. Being targeted is not the only measuring factor. In every industry, there is always need to solve problems. Identifying these pain points and bringing solutions will add a lot more value to your blog.

Here are two ways to see this point!

  1. Problems only faced by your readers: Sometimes you may want to promote a product that solves only your readers’ problems. That’s the way  most of us do it but we end up with little results because we are not helping our readers enough make a buy buying decision.
  2. Problems you and your readers face: This is where I have made most of my affiliate sales. If I face the same problem my readers are facing, I know it’s a money making opportunity. I will explain more of this in step #3 below.

Step 2: Own a copy of the product:

If you’ve found a product that can solve a common problem between you and your readers, I recommend you get your own copy of the product.

If you cannot get a free review copy from product authors, go ahead and buy. This helps the psychological value of your marketing.

I know some affiliate marketing teachers tell you there is no need to own the product but for the sake of this lesson, you will have to if you want to be real and more convincing.

Don’t just go to product sales page or review posts written by others. Don’t just rely on affiliate marketing materials made by product authors. Get direct contact with the product as that will help in step #3 below.

Step 3: Use the product and share your results

This is very crucial!

Now, you found a product that provides solutions to a common problem. You’ve gotten your own piece and you are using it (on yourself or your blog). If you are seeing positive results, that’s the thrilling spot.

When I moved my blog from http to https (adding security to the http protocol), I lost all social share counts on my blog.

Social share counts on social media buttons are a huge social proof factor so I became so worried that my blog has suddenly looked like a brand new website (from the Facebook or Twitter point of view).

All my readers who did the same move were in the same pot of soup. So I set looking for the solution. I soon found a WordPress plugin to resolve the problem. Good enough, there was an affiliate program tied to the plugin. So quickly, I bought a copy for my blog.

  • Now I have a problem faced by my readers and I
  • I have found a product (With an affiliate option) to solve the problem
  • I actually have bought a copy and it really works. My share counts are all back

What a money making opportunity!

I wrote this blog post with all necessary details linking to the product on my affiliate link. Of course, this resulted to affiliate sales and commissions on daily basis.


I have  a common problem with my readers. I got a solution to the problem with all face. Now, I’m showing my readers the exact steps I took to resolve the problem from my end. Because they badly need the solution and I’m able to convince them by showcasing my results, more than half of them will want to try out my solution. Now the sales are being triggered.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think in the comment box

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