3 Millionaire Entrepreneurs Using Blogs to Fuel their Businesses

These days, blogging is more about creating content for your audience and using your influence to build your brand more than anything else. We are seeing this time and time again with some of the biggest and most well-known entrepreneurs and bloggers in the world today.

What starts off as a blog, turns into much more over time. It’s not the amount of content that we create, it’s the value we offer and the loyal following we can build over time. This is a winning formula that has been working for millions, and while it might be a slow process, in the beginning, it’s definitely one of the best ways to build a legitimate business and brand that can grow into a multi-million dollar business.

To stress this point even further, today we are going to look at three examples of millionaire entrepreneurs who have been able to turn their content and expertise into much more, while also using their blogs as a platform and sales funnel to their products, courses, and events.

Tai Lopez

When it comes to business and marketing online, there are plenty of ways to make money. Some entrepreneurs and content creators seem to have found success in many different areas. One such individual is Tai Lopez. Through his online course, websites, blogs, videos, podcasts and massive social media following, it seems like Tai is always working on something new. One of his latest projects that is gaining a lot of attention is Tai Lopez’s 67 Tips for Success. With over 6 million views to his TedX talk and another 6 million plus fans on his Facebook page, Tai has done an amazing job at funneling in traffic and audiences from different areas, while also launching profitable courses in the process. If you’ve ever visited any of his sites, then went onto Facebook, you will likely have seen some of his retargeting ads as well. Just another example of how effective his online ad campaigns and marketing really is.

Lewis Howes

Years ago, Lewis was a professional athlete and then his career, hopes and dreams ended with a tragic sports injury. He soon found himself in the world of business and an expert at building connections through LinkedIn. With this expertise in hand, he was then able to run thousands of webinars and sell millions of dollars worth of his own courses in the process. Jump forward even further and Lewis would launch his “School of Greatness” podcast, which has now turned into one of the most listened to podcasts in the world, and now a full conference event. Through his expertise and podcasting abilities, Lewis Howes is now interviewing and networking with some of the biggest names in the world today, like Tony Robbins, Maria Sharapova, Gary Vaynerchuk and much more.

John Chow

In the world of blogging, John Chow’s story is one of success and overnight riches. Well… at least that is how it seems! John Chow launched his blog in 2007 with the concept of just writing about whatever he likes, while also posting pictures of his favorite cars and what he’s eating for dinner. He then started writing about making money online. Then a visitor of the site told John not to write about making money online if he doesn’t actually make money himself. This is where the craziness got started! John ran a case study on his blog and quickly went from $0 per month to more than $40,000. Today John now makes over $100,000+ a month as a result of his blog, mailing list and funnel system he has created to generate incoming students and subscribers daily.

How to Make Money with a Blog in 2017

Each of the examples above is unique in their own way. Tai is infamous for his history with business and sales courses, while Lewis is growing his following through the world of podcasting. Then we have John Chow, who was able to turn a generic blog into a controversial side project and now a million dollar side-hobby.

If you want to find success with blogging, you need to have your own niche and a special element that others don’t have. Look at your website or blog as a long term business and how you can actually turn your content into money. This is usually done through online courses or membership sites. It’s never been easy to launch a course or product of your own so this might be the best area for you to focus your efforts in 2017 and years to come. Once you have that following in place, a loyal customer might just be yours for life!

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