3 Smart Outsourcing Tips for Growing Bloggers

Are you overwhelmed with your blogging business?

Growing a thriving blogging venture feels a blessing and curse at first. Sure money flows in. Success finds you. All is good.

But with great power comes great responsibility as Uncle Ben uttered in Spider Man.

Increased workload = more time and energy spent. Stress, overwhelm and a blanket anxiety overpowers bloggers who resist delegating tasks or using tools to get the job done.

I have experienced this with my blogging business. Even though I feel happy about helping more people and growing my venture I learned that to be sane, to have an offline life and to scale effectively one needs to outsource.

Why Outsource?

Eventually you will become overwhelmed with your tasks.

Skilled web developers, diligent virtual staff and premium tools free you from work you need to let go to grow. A knowledgeable web designer can streamline your blog in minutes but if your design-averse brain tried to mimic the task you’d spend hours if not days tackling the job. Spend those hours or days creating helpful content, building strong bonds and growing your blogging business by outsourcing.

Email volume, client scheduling and freelance work may overwhelm you when your blogging business grows exponentially. Outsourcing frees you to focus on critical business-building tasks.

Do you plan to have a life outside of your blog? Most of us choose blogging to free ourselves from a 9-5 gig. But unless you outsource you will be 10 times as busy as your employee days.

Follow these tips to outsource your blog effectively.

1: Pay Up To Play Up

Before you spend money on outsourcing or by buying tools to help you get the job done you must needs embrace common resistance; the fear of spending money to scale.

I recall 10 years ago. I was a newbie blogger. I just wanted to spend $3 a month on hosting. That was it.

As I slowly became successful I still resisted spending money. Big mistake. I didn’t scale or grow my blogging business because I wanted to handle all tasks myself to save money.

Think like a successful entrepreneur: pay up to play up.

A time comes when you need to spend money to move up in blogging circles. Investing in virtual staff overseas, tools or web developers becomes necessary as your blog traffic and profits grow.

Last week I invested in premium hosting via a VPS. I had no choice; my increasing blog traffic required me to do so if I wanted my site to be up and loading quickly.

The lightning speed and nearly 100% up time has been well worth the investment.

2: Invest In Aligned Virtual Staffers

Outsource to virtual staff in lands resonant with your customer or reader base.

Example; if your readers live predominantly in America consider outsourcing to the Philippines. Folks from the Philippines are aware of Western customs and know American culture well, in addition to speaking English with a light or non existent accent.

Find an outsourcing match. Delegate jobs to skilled, compassionate agencies. Take care of your reader base. Leverage your presence effectively without sacrificing quality of service.

3: Use Premium Tools to Outsource

Although bloggers associate outsourcing with hiring human beings to handle blogging tasks, investing in premium tools is another form of outsourcing.

Imagine buying a social sharing tool that publishes updates around the clock, reaching your target audience at optimal times. Going the premium tool route is as effective as hiring virtual staff in some cases, especially as Artificial Intelligence becomes more commonplace.

Research premium tools to fit your specific blogging needs. Find ideal matches. Pay up to play up.

Before we sign off I suggest you follow Chris Ducker as he is the industry leader in teaching you how to work with virtual staff.  Chris regularly pops up in my Facebook feed and is the guy to learn from if you want to grow your business through outsourcing.

Are you outsourcing yet?

Or do you resist spending money to make your blogging life easier?


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