3 Ways The Cloud Helps Marketers Innovate with Speed and Scale: Marketo + Google Cloud

With the recent launch of The State of Engagement, we saw data that demonstrates that consumers expect more relevant, timely interactions from brands and that marketers are falling short of those expectations while struggling to find the right tools to help them deliver on consumer expectations.

With that in mind, I am excited to share that together Marketo and Google Cloud are announcing a multi-year alliance to transform engagement solutions for the enterprise. Through this alliance, Marketo and Google will collaborate to build joint solutions that unite MarTech and AdTech so that marketers can more easily listen, learn, and engage with buyers in real-time across all digital channels.  This will significantly simplify the technology landscape for the marketer.

Why is this critical? Here are three reasons Marketo and Google Cloud together will transform business for marketers:

1. The AdTech/MarTech Walls Will Come Down

AdTech and MarTech have existed and even thrived very separately for a number of years but to the detriment of marketers and their audiences. These siloed industries must come together because let’s face it; buyers don’t know or care about the difference between them and neither should we. This alliance will accelerate these worlds coming together—with deeper integration and more innovation between Marketo’s Engagement Platform and Google Cloud’s widely used advertising, productivity and analytics capabilities—so that marketers can deliver engaging experiences to their audiences and increase their ROI in the process.

2. Faster, Smarter SaaS Applications

SaaS applications continue to evolve rapidly, and the next generation must be equipped to handle the proliferation of touchpoints and the data associated with them. That evolution requires the scale of public cloud, which in our case, meant Google Cloud. As the leading Engagement Platform, Marketo is focused on delivering the capabilities that are necessary to succeed and thrive in the Engagement Economy. Marketo serves large international brands, such as GE Healthcare and Panasonic; therefore it is absolutely critical that we invest in the most robust global infrastructure possible to support our customers’ business success. 

3. A New & Unique Way to Engage with Buyers

Together Marketo & Google Cloud will advance the innovation agenda for marketers. Together, we will collaborate on product and machine learning opportunities as well as new innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI). This commitment to innovation will enable marketers to be successful in the rapidly changing environment that they market in today and will continue to market in tomorrow.

For marketers to truly engage their customers quickly, at scale, with relevant messages, organizations like Marketo and Google Cloud must come together and drive the change the market demands and needs. Interested in hearing more? Check out the Press Release.

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