The author clowning in Thailand.
I may appear to have always been confident, blogging-wise.
If you come across Blogging From Paradise you may think I have reeked confidence, boldness and charisma during my entire blogging career.
Fat chance.
I had the blogging posture of a slouching earth worm for many years. I had the blogging confidence of an awkward yearling, walking for the first time, for a minute.
I followed a few tips to develop my blogging confidence over the years.
Be patient with yourself guys. Handle your blogging self with kid gloves. Building your blogging confidence takes time because you likely entered the online game with virtually no blogging experience.
Developing my blogging boldness helped me appear on a wide range of world famous blogs and on a few major media outlets too. I wrote and self-published 126 eBooks. I grew my blog traffic and income to where I became a full time, established, pro blogger.
Boosting your blogging confidence will help you reap the sweet benefits of purging your meekness and replacing it with boldness and clarity.
1: Celebrate Your Wins
Whatever your victory, celebrate it!
A few minutes ago I tweeted how I just received a client payment and sold 2 more eBooks. Woohoo! (Emphasis on “woohoo.”)
Celebrating my blogging wins has been one of the quickest and easiest ways to boost my blogging confidence. When you see yourself having success you literally fuel future success.
If I sold a few eBooks and received a client payment it is just a little more extra evidence that I’m having fun, enjoying the ride and following proven tips to succeed. Yep; what I am doing is working. I know this but it sure doesn’t hurt to see the fruits of my actions.
Did you just receive your first comment? Celebrate your win publicly. Maybe you just bought your domain and hosting. Awesome. Share this with your friends. Buying my domain and hosting was my first major win because without taking this step I am not the blogger I am today.
2: Celebrate Other People’s Wins
Celebrating other people’s wins increased my blogging confidence because wherever you put your attention and energy, grows.
I also figured, “Hey, I can do that too!”, when I saw other bloggers succeed. If they could reach their goals I could reach my goals too.
Giving my attention and energy to seeing success helped me *be* success.
Because again, where your attention and energy goes, grows.
If you want to improve your blogging confidence feast on other people’s success. Sometimes all you need to see is a fellow blogger rocking it out to give you a confident nudge in the right direction.
3: Observe and Feel Your Jealousy
This is a tough one. I admit it. Because I had a difficult time in this regard for many years.
I felt jealous at seeing other blogger’s success. I did a silly thing; rather than feel and release the jealousy I resisted the feelings, so the feelings grew.
But I finally understood why I felt jealous. I was saying to myself, “They can have that dream life and success, and I can’t, because I lack the confidence to be the person who lives their blogging dreams.”
What is jealousy but a masking of your lack of confidence? You feel jealous because you lack the confidence to be and do as others do, to have what they have.
Feel the emotion of jealousy when you come across someone celebrating their blogging wins. Feel the energies, clear the energies and you may even wind up following and learning from those bloggers you previously envied as you gain blogging confidence.
Watch me explain how to boost your blogging confidence.
Your Turn
How are you building your blogging confidence? What tips can you add for increasing your blogging confidence?