3 Ways to Get Clients through Guest Posting

If you are excited to grow your freelance writing business guest posting is a powerful tool through which you can help, attract and sign up clients.

Whether you are a coach, freelance writer, freelancer web designer or any entrepreneur offering valued services, guest posting gives you a fabulous platform for serving folks.

How it works: you publish a valuable, inspired post on the right blogs and eventually drive traffic and clients back to your blog.

Take 3 distinct, clear steps to build your services business through guest posting.


Are you sick of watching me gab yet?

I filmed a video explaining this concept of guest posting to land clients.

I delve into 3 ways to get it done.

If you prefer my talking head simply watch the video:

1: Practice Writing

Practice writing.


Here’s how: open a Word document, write 1000 words for practice and trash the document after you hit your 1K for the day.

Following this daily habit gives you clarity and confidence in your writing. Clear, confident writers land guest posts on blogs persistently. Clear, confident writers also wow the pants off of potential clients.

It requires a certain level of impressing to woo clients. Develop your writing skills. Inspire potential clients to click through to your blog to learn more about your content and the products or services you have to offer.

Over deliver.

Be generous.

Solve problems.

Business seems to follow generous, helpful, heart-centered bloggers who blog mainly to give.

2: Guest Post on Targeted Blogs

Guest post on blogs where your potential clients hang out.

Example; if you are a blog coach or freelance writer it makes sense to guest post on blogging tips themed blogs. These blogs attract readers who seek out blog coaches for guidance or freelance writers to churn out content for their blogs.

Hang where your readers hang out.

Publish guest posts on blogs fully aligned with the services you offer.

Don’t stray. You could write a compelling, quite dazzling, valuable guest post. But if you do so for blase readers you wasted your time.

Think targeting. Write for readers interested in the services you have to offer. Optimize your guest posting campaign.

Create a list of 5-10 blogs related to your niche. No soft relations here. Demand each caters to a readership that would be 100% interested in the services you have to offer.

Life coaches would only pick 5-10 blogs that speak to people interested in self help or personal development.

Publish guest posts on these blogs persistently to become familiar with their readerships. In time, you will bond with readers, driving business back to your blog.

Landing the gigs depends largely on following tip #1 diligently. Practice writing. Find your writing voice. Get clear on your writing. Land more guest post opportunities on respected, aligned blogs.

3: Link to Your Services Page (or Make it Prominent)

Some bloggers will allow you to link to your coaching or freelance writing services page. Good money.

Go for it.

Other bloggers allow only 1 link, preferably to your blog. No big deal.

In the latter case, link to your blog but make sure your services page is easy to see on your blog. Link to this page via the top of your blog – header menu style – or along your sidebar.

Spruce up your services page if it needs work. Stress the benefits of working with you. List prices to find clear, good matches.

Guest posting to land clients works if you direct potential clients to a clear, benefits-laden, helpful services page on your blog.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How are you landing clients through guest posting?

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