3 Ways to Reduce Blogging Distractions

A landing page is a page outside of your blog archive that targets one major type of conversion. Bloggers build landing pages to promote ebooks, generate webinar sign-ups or sell their services.

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While building a landing page has become quite doable (with a variety of landing page builders and templates), making it a success is a longer-term strategy.

1. Plan One High-Volume Keyword Per Landing Page

One of the most effective ways to generate more leads from your landing page is to generate more search engine traffic to it. You need to do a basic SEO inspection to make sure you are getting the most out of your optimization. Has it been created to really attract search engine results?

Keyword usage is especially important on landing pages because there is less content for it to attract people with. Just look at a blog with its constant update of new posts, each of which can be optimized to draw in traffic. A landing page is a single page that has to utilize fewer words that are updated far less often. Get your SEO planned, then make sure your landing page is following it. The three tools I am using for identifying my keywords are:

  • Wordstream. This tool is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand it isn’t any better than the others on this list, and in some cases worst. But it allows you to “nichefy” your results, which can be a great way of grouping keywords and getting a clearer image of a smaller picture. I like to use this one to do further research on broader results I have gotten elsewhere.
  • Moz Explorer. Moz is well known for their many tools, and their Explorer is the perfect keyword researching platform for anyone who is on the more advanced side of things. Unfortunately, if you aren’t that tech savvy you might struggle with it.
  • Google Keyword Planner. The granddaddy of all keyword tools, Google Keyword Planner remains one of the best free options at your disposal. It is thorough, the original source for most information, and attached right to your Adwords account. When added to other Google business tools you can combine your strategies and get as much out of your efforts as possible. Mind that this tool is for Google advertisers, so the results will be a bit skewed to commercial phrases. Still, this is a good tool to play with to better understand the niche you are entering.

Once I know my target keyword, I use Text Optimizer to build optimized content for it. Text Optimizer applies semantic analysis to Google’s search snippets to extract related concepts and terms people expect to see covered when searching for this query.

Text Optimizer optimize for better rankings

Using Text Optimizer has proven an extremely effective way of building organic visibility. I am using it for every article or landing page I am working on.

Get focused: Identify your most popular queries and build one solid landing page for each of them. It might be kind of a controversial method of targeting a keyphrase because some experts will see it as expended energy and time when there are other ways to use keywords. But I have found it is good for new campaigns in secondary keywords where you want to also improve your overall conversions, email marketing list, product release hype, etc.

When you have found some related (but not directly beneficial) keywords that you want to narrow in on, create a landing page and optimize it using all the essential basics. That page can be used for ROI, taking a spot in search ranking, maybe even a featured snippet depending on how liberal your use of the term “landing page” is.

I have found the most success with using it for offering content like ebooks, email notifications to increase my marketing lists and promoting new services. The way keywords end up factoring into the equation is the cherry on top.

2. Get Very Visual

A few years ago, exchanging texts with people thousands of miles away was an effective means of communication. But today, messages in the form of texts feel impersonal, and a more engaging method is needed to express emotions accurately.

Visuals have replaced texts in effective, engaging communication, as it enables the audience or recipient to see and feel the excitement in the message conveyed rather than spend valuable time trying to interpret difficult words.

In today’s world of online marketing, content marketing has become one of the most useful strategies to promote your business or product. However, content marketing is not just about throwing content at your target audience but also entertaining, providing value and visual appeal.

The web is extremely visual these days: It is impossible to catch web users’ attention without using professional visual content. The good news, there are solid tools helping you put together awesome images and videos in minutes.

Placeit is a newer tool allowing to create awesome visual content for just about anything, including social media, blogs, etc. You can even use it to create a free logo for your new project. I find using it often these days because it has some original templates I haven’t seen anywhere.

For example, its Slideshow Maker is pretty awesome:

3. Install A Smart Marketing Bot

Finally, the newest tool in my arsenal, Alter is a smart marketing technology bringing artificial intelligence to any site or blog. They have a free plan available, so you don’t even need to subscribe to a free trial to give it a try.

Alter will monitor your site traffic and analyze behavioral patterns. The goal of the bot to bring more engagement suggesting your site users what to do next and what kind of action to perform.

Alter takes seconds to install and it can work for any type of content management systems including WordPress. It has one-click integration with email marketing platforms giving you a new way to collect emails.

There is no settings to configure: Alter will know what your users need based on its self-learning and self-improving algorithm. So far it has improved my landing page engagement by 6% but I have just started using it:

You can connect Alter to email marketing service of your choice and get it convert your readers into subscribers. Here’s a more detailed guide on setting up a successful email marketing campaign.

Bonus: Analyze and Monitor Your Performance

How do you know if you did everything right?

Monitor your analytics. I use two tools to analyze my landing page performance:

1. Finteza for conversion monitoring

Finteza is an advanced analytics tool focusing on conversion funnel monitoring. I like using it because it has a WordPress plugin that makes adding events to monitoring extremely easy:

From there, simply log in from time to time to compare your landing pages and how each funnel performs.

2. Neil’s tool for link building monitoring

Link acquisition is one of the key performance metrics I always follow. Without backlinks there are no rankings, so I always keep a close eye on whether my pages get linked.

This easy tool is great for monitoring and analyzing backlinks. Simply copy-paste your landing page URL and click through results:

It is also a good idea to run your competing pages through the tool to understand how your competitors are acquiring links to their pages.

Are there any landing page tips you can share? Please go ahead!

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