35 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

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You’ve come up with a great idea for your business blog, only to find that the words just won’t come. You sit at your desk and stare off into space, trying to locate the words that simply seem to evade you. There has to be a better way! There is – in fact, here’s 35 of them.

  1. Go for a Walk. Sometimes all your brain needs is a little fresh air. Head outside and take a short walk. Stretching your legs and enjoying the change of scenery can be just what you need to get the ideas flowing.
  1. Write in a Different Location. Speaking of a change of scenery, this is one of the most common secrets to banishing writer’s block. Try writing outside, in a park, or in a coffee shop and see if inspiration finds you there.
  1. Freewrite. Freewriting, or stream of consciousness writing, helps eliminate the pressure of perfectionism. Write down any and everything that pops into your head. Do this exercise for two minutes banish your blockage.
  1. Listen to Music. Music can be an incredible muse for stuck writers. Play something that’s sure to inspire your right brain, such as piano concertos or Mozart.
  1. Take a Break. Stop trying to write and do something else for five or 10 minutes instead. Read a book, watch TV, exercise, or meditate – anything to hit the reset button.
  1. Exercise for 5 Minutes. Try a quick, five-minute exercise to get the blood pumping. Doing basic exercises can help loosen your mental clog and put you in the right mindset to write.
  1. Let the Idea Simmer. Let a new blog idea stew for a while. The extra time can help get the writing juices flowing.
  1. Eliminate Distractions. It’s easy to mistake distraction for writer’s block. Eliminate distractions that could prevent you from writing, such as social media or your phone. (I use the Self Control App!)
  1. Use Statistics for Inspo. Read some relevant literature, studies, and statistics about your industry to tap into a supply of data to inform your writing.
  1. Read Industry News. Find something new, fresh, and exciting to write about by reading up on the latest industry news. Set Google News alerts to constantly monitor for fresh ideas.
  1. Set a Timeframe. Writer’s block can stem from the idea that you have all the time in the world to get it done. Set a deadline for yourself and put aside a block of time to only blog.
  1. Drink Coffee. One tasty way to get the words flowing is with a little caffeine boost. Drink a cup of coffee to help spark inspiration and energize your brain!
  1. Have Some Fun. Play a little to help you get into a creative mindset. Trying building with Legos or drawing!
  1. Read a Book. Reading can motivate you to get started on your own written masterpiece. Reading a book instead of another business blog could be just the inspiration you need.
  1. Create a Routine. Have a blog-writing routine that you stick to every time. This can help your brain “get in the mood” to write.
  1. Spend Time with Friends. Go for coffee with a friend. Chatting can help you get your words and ideas flowing verbally before you write them down.
  1. Read Inspirational Quotes. Nothing says “inspiration” like famous quotes on the subject.
  1. Take a Short Trip. Take a trip somewhere close, but don’t drive. Instead, take a bus or train and bring a journal. Journeys can spark inspiration for riveting content.
  1. Write Something You Want to Write. The issue might be the subject matter. Try writing something you want to write.
  1. Practice Yoga. Take a five-minute yoga break. This can wake up your body and mind and put you in a calm, relaxed state to write.
  1. Pace. It might sound silly, but get up and pace around the room for a bit. Walking in circles or pacing back and forth instead of sitting stagnant can wake up your right brain.
  1. Write on Paper. Writing with a pen and paper instead of typing could be just the change you need for a blogging catalyst.
  1. Turn off Spellcheck. Don’t let trivial matters such as spelling and grammar block the writing flow. Turn automatic spellcheck off while you write, then do a check at the end.
  1. Start in the Middle. Blog introductions are often the hardest parts to write. Start at the middle of your blog instead to avoid this common roadblock.
  1. Create Challenges for Yourself. Make blogging interesting by setting challenges for yourself, such as writing x amount of words in x minutes.
  1. Get More Comfortable. Trade your suit for pjs and your desk for a couch. Getting more comfortable can get you in a better mindset to blog.
  1. Work Through an Emotional Blockage. A great article in The New Yorker discusses the importance of working through an emotional blockage before you can write. Read it for ideas!
  1. Switch Ideas. A blog idea might seem good until it comes time to actually create the content. Sometimes it’s better to put an idea aside for today and write about something different instead.
  1. Take a Blogging Class. Get blog-writing help from professionals. Take an online course or attend a seminar. You might learn a few writer’s block tips and tricks.
  1. Use an Inspiration Board. Pin your favorite ideas in an online or physical board. Include creative images, colors, quotes, etc. that can help you get writing.
  1. Head to Pinterest. Try using Pinterest to browse through images and articles that can help you get over your writer’s block.
  1. Revisit Your Old Blogs. Get inspiration from your past business blog successes. You might find something that gets you going!
  1. Try Deep Breathing. A little mental clarity can go a long ways. Control a stress response that could be chalking you up with a deep-breathing technique.
  1. Look at Your Competitors. Browse a competitor’s blog. You might think of something you would add as you’re reading a post. Use this to start writing your own version!
  1. Use a Content Calendar. Keep a plethora of good blog ideas at your fingertips with an editorial calendar.

Beat Writer’s Block for Good!

Writer’s block can make it seem like there’s nothing to write about or that a great idea is actually a dud. It might not be the content that’s lacking inspiration, however, but the writer. Use these 35 ways to beat writer’s block and grease the gears in your brain. Get writing!

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