4 Blogging Fundamentals to Promote Your Online Success

I just filmed a video on Facebook.

The topic: why starting fresh beats struggling for years with your blog.

I nabbed the idea from my eBook. But this concept formed the beginning of Blogging From Paradise.

I explain in the video.

4 years ago I had to either delete some 1000 blog posts to proceed with my old blog or I had to delete my old blog outright.

I went with the latter decision. Even though trashing my old blog and brand felt highly uncomfortable, I knew starting fresh beat struggling for years with my old blog. I earned a full time income through my old blog but everything felt heavy with that sucker. I never got clear on the blog. Income flowed to me only through maximum effort. I burned out.


I held on to a losing venture I had outgrown.

Trashing the old blog and brand helped me create a new blog and brand: Blogging From Paradise. I helped folks retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging. Blogging felt fun to me. Things moved smoothly because I started fresh, with a clean slate, versus holding onto a losing venture and struggling for years.

Years of Struggle

Before I trashed my old blog I did struggle for years. Even though I earned some nice coin, blogging felt like an endless toil. Plus I didn’t have fun. But I still resisted letting go my blog. Why throw it all away? Why let go all the hard work I put into my old blog?

Here’s why: losers ask the prior 2 questions. Not a loser in a nasty, insulting sense; I mean a blogger focused on loss, versus focusing on letting go a losing venture to gain a new, fresh, fun, more successful venture.

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Why hold on to a losing venture? This asinine type of thinking guarantees you struggle for years. If you fear trashing a blog you do not feel passionate about because you worked so hard on it for 5 years, guess what? You will work 10 tens HARDER on it for the next 5 years and see increasing struggles and eventually, complete failure. Isn’t that dumb? To work even harder and see no positive results? Of course it’s a stupid line of thinking. Terrified bloggers do not think clearly.

Terrified bloggers hold onto losing ventures versus starting a new, successful, fun, enjoyable venture.

Guys; let go to grow. Trash your boring blog. Let go the high paying but pain in the butt client. Release on the client who promised payment but balks after delivery. I recall one such blogger who nitpicked my work, refusing to pay after guaranteeing payment if I sent my first draft. I released him immediately, severing any bond forever, because our connection was a losing venture. Letting him go allowed in my highest paying client ever, who became a dear friend and trusted mentor in many ways. Plus work and pay was seamless. A true pleasure.

Start fresh. Let go the old and outgrown to make room for the new, fresh, fun and prospering. You cannot proceed with a fresh, clean slate if you cling to old, worn out, tired blogs, income streams or business relationships. Believe in yourself. Trust advice from top level, professional bloggers. Get clear. Be firm. Do not look back.

Every single blogging breakthrough I experienced occurred because I released something. I could not move forward unless I rid myself of the painful, stressful, leaden yolks of an old blog, an old brand, or a tired, old, lifeless blogging income stream.

READ ALSO  Why Should You Pick a Blogging Niche?

Start fresh.

Begin again, intelligently.

Accelerate your blogging success in a major league way.


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