4 Reasons to Run a Single Topic Blog

Good reviews can be damaging. Like bad reviews.

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If you offer products, services or eBooks, receiving any type of review can mess with your blogging success.

My advice? Keep calm, and carry on. Do not be swayed. Here’s why: someone’s opinion of you has nothing to do with:

  • how you see yourself
  • your skills
  • the value you bring to the world
  • the quality of your offering

If someone publishes a nasty, 1 star review on one of your eBooks, an unhappy person saw you as a mirror, mirroring their unhappiness back to them. The review suggests how the individual views self; nothing to do with you. Feels good, knowing a negative review holds no power over you. Your worth is not based on an unhappy person’s view of self, masquerading as a negative review. Avoid success-strangling shame, embarrassment and anger, all anchoring you down, holding you back.

Be careful with positive reviews, guys. Feel good about your eBook hitting the mark. Move forward swiftly. Do not dwell on any positive reviews because if you base:

  • your worth
  • the value of your eBook
  • the value of your course
  • the value of your services

on the opinions of other people, you hold yourself captive to these opinions, some of which change, and none of which, last. You will only feel good because people appear to love you, which creates the nightmare of outside-in living.  How can you feel clear, confident and generous if you fear what people think of you? How can you be genuine if your belief in other’s view of you, trumps your view of yourself? You give your power to others if you heavily weigh their opinion; plus you fall into the dreaded popularity trap, selling out to try to be popular, versus being authentic, blogging from the heart, loving the ride and becoming wildly successful.

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Reviews Are Just Opinions

If someone loves you, never allow their opinion to get to your head. Carry on. Swiftly.

If someone hates you, never allow their opinion to get to your head. Carry on. Swiftly.

If someone thinks your eBook is average but needs some work, carry on. Swiftly.

Reviews are just opinions. If someone opines how you publish brilliant work, a human being shared their thoughts, which is no big deal. Move on. If someone opines how you publish crap work, a human being shared their thoughts, which is no big deal. Move on. Ditto for someone who sees your work as average. Move on. Quickly.

Do Positive Reviews Boost Sales and Do Negative Reviews Lower Sales?

No and no.

Helping people generously boosts sales and holding back lowers sales.

Example; Elizabeta generously retweeted my eBook recently:

Generosity set up:

  • the positive endorsement
  • potential eBook sales
  • greater exposure for my eBook and brand

because we have been generously helping each other with no expectations for years. We retweet each other and I mentioned her on my blog. The love-generosity set up the awesome review-endorsement and greater sales. Flip-side, holding back, thinking only about yourself and trying to manipulate people for your own gain leads to lower sales.

Saurabh Tiwari generously Likes as many of my updates as I can publish, it seems. The love, traffic and profits flowing to me through those Likes happened because I showed people love. Plus, Saurabh sees greater success because he generously doles out love and support.

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Do not get swayed by positive reviews or negative reviews. Be calm. Note if your eBook or service hits the mark and simply move on, to be free from the opinions of other people. You will appear to spring forward in your blogging niche while most bloggers are weighed down by the opinions of people, trying to manage their reputation.

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