4 Solutions That Can Boost Your Business’s Online Presence In Less Than A Month

4 Solutions That Can Boost Your Business’s Online Presence In Less Than A Month

by Staff

Creating an amazing online presence is one of the biggest challenges most businesses face. Big or small, nearly every company has some aspect of gaining more of a following they’re trying to improve, and although it’s almost impossible it is to go viral, there are some ways you can get ahead of the competition. Yes, the right strategy in diversifying your digital marketing channels across multiple platforms, you too can see an improved online presence in no time. Here are a few tips on how:

Get social

If you’re going to be boosting your business’s online profile, then one of the first places to look is with social media. No matter how much experience you have in social media marketing, picking up the practice takes dedication. After all, running a business social media page is drastically different than your personal, utilizing targeting and sophisticated data while incorporating the same level of storytelling expected on most platforms. However, before we dive too deep into specifics, let’s take a look at which platforms will be best, as well as why.

A smart place to start is by asking yourself what platforms you’re already visiting for your business, as well as what kind of engagement you’re seeing with them on your day-to-day. Certain social media mediums are going to have a better response than others, especially per the type of content you’re trying to get people to engage with; for example, as noted by DreamGrow, Instagram has an engagement rate of 4.21 percent, higher than any other platform. Keeping that number up, however, will require consistency, as well as an overall content plan.

Utilize an SEO firm

Another great strategy for boosting your online business’s profile is by going after improving SEO. If you’re not familiar, SEO is search engine optimization, or essentially trying to game your way to the top of search results on Google. As noted by Junto Digital, with 93 percent of online experiences starting with search, this is a massive opportunity to start generating some traffic quickly. And although you might be thinking this is a simple process, it might be a wise investment to hire on some people that know the ropes.

With SEO, the name of the game is keywords or the words people use when trying to find your business. For example, if I wanted to find a cell phone repair shop in Louisville, then owning the local SEO of “cell phone repair Louisville” would mean implementing those words in my copy, as well as possibly buying sponsored posts. The risk is coming off as spam or insincere, which is why hiring an SEO company like Ulku Logistics can be a wise move; they can help you balance your strategy to get the best ROI. Even though SEO might sound easy, it’s always smart to have someone help you establish a solid foundation. SEO can help you reach a vast audience, but you also want to make sure you’re hitting your target audience the first time.

Start creating content

As we mentioned above, it’s important to have a content plan in place for not only social media but your other hubs as well, such as your blog or email blasts. While we might think of writing, photography, design, or even video as luxury items, they can have a pretty good return on investing in because as noted by the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing generates three times as many leads while costing 62 percent less. That’s a pretty staggering figure, and one you should strategize for.

While we all might have dream pieces or features, the first consideration for content you should make is what exactly are the topics that will bring in more of an audience. These include talking points in your industry, success stories, or even captivating stories that help further showcase what your brand is about. Create a calendar that takes a few of these, and then run tests to determine which stories get the most hits on social media or other channels. A lot of content marketing is trial and error, as well as honing in on the perfect message, so don’t be shy in constantly looking to improve.

Don’t forget about that mailing kist

Finally, although many of us think it’s an antiquated strategy, email can provide a great response and return for what you put in. In fact, according to Constant Contact, for every dollar you spend on email marketing, $38 is seen in return. Seeing numbers like that quickly isn’t impossible, but will require you to start gaining a little bit of a foundation for your email marketing strategy.

If you haven’t already, start creating some calls-to-action on your website or social media to drive people to your mailing list. From there, include in your content mix how often you feel it’s necessary to create an email blast. No matter if it’s once a week or once a month, it’d be wise to use a program like MailChimp to not only use their custom design features but additionally be able to track analytics and results. While at first, it might feel like you’re sending ‘spam,’ email can be a pretty genuine way to connect with your base, winning them over into long-term customers.

What are some strategies you’ve been able to use to boost your company’s online presence? Comment with your answers below!

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