4 Tips to Get Off of the Blogging Ledge: How to Begin Your Blogging Career

Are you waiting for the right time to become a blogger?

The time will never be right.

You need to seize the moment and start now.

As a guy who sat on the blogging ledge for months some 10 years ago I want to share a few times to help you dive into the blogging game today.

1: Buy Your Domain and Hosting (Seriously Do it)

Sounds like a Captain Obvious situation, right?

Buy your domain and hosting. Become a blogger.

But I recall waffling on this decision for months before pulling the trigger.

Get off of the blogging ledge. Dive into this fun, freeing game. Purchase your domain and hosting. Take the first step to being a blogger.

2: Buy a Helpful Course

Nothing feels more paralyzing as a newbie blogger then the hellish mix of misinformation and information overload.

I remember feeling totally confused about all the conflicting information I found concerning blogging. Grow an email list. But do not worry about your list; use black hat techniques to grow your blog. I began blogging in 2007. Black hat techniques were all the rage back then; these tactics actually worked.

The flip side of things; I was completely overloaded with a deluge of blogging of marketing information. No clue in heck where to look next, I froze.

Old RB could have solved all my blogging problems by investing in a solid blogging course to cut through the noise and to find a proven blueprint to work from.

Do not attempt to get your blogging research done through blog posts alone because you will spend years just trying to organize, filter and study this information, piecing everything together on your own.

Cut years off of your learning curve. Purchase a helpful premium blogging course. Work off of a proven framework to begin your blogging campaign on the right foot.

3: Write and Publish Your First Post

Avoid the temptation to sit on the sidelines after you buy your domain and hosting.

Some bloggers call themselves bloggers but have never written and published a blog post.

Sit down in front of your laptop. Outline your first post.

Keep it simple. Cover some pressing issue in your blogging niche.

If you are a blogging tips blogger you can cover a topic related to increasing your blog traffic or blogging profits.

Of course you will research top blogs in your niche to get the 411 on your due diligence but by facing your laptop and writing you make the bold, clear decision to be a blogger by publishing your first blog post.

4: Work on Your Mindset

Your only blogging enemy is between your ears.

This holds true for both seasoned veteran and brand new bloggers.

At 10:17 PM on a Friday night I thought through writing this post a few times before deciding to sit down and churn it out. Saturday is a a jam-packed day for me. But even though it makes perfect sense to write the post now to prep for tomorrow I had fears about staying up late, not getting enough sleep and other low energy stuff that sometimes arise in my mind.

Since I spend an hour managing my energy daily between:

  • doing 40 minutes of yoga
  • meditating 20 minutes
  • spending 30 seconds in an icy cold shower
  • prayer

in addition to exercising for 40 to 60 minutes daily, I think, feel and act like a professional blogger so naturally, I became a pro blogger.

New bloggers, double down on your mindset work. Many mental blocks will arise in your mind when new to the blogging game. Work on your energy to clear out the fears and to blog like a successful, established blogger, even if you are a newbie blogger.

Your Turn

How did you begin blogging?

What tips can you add to this list?

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