4 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Montreal SEO Service

Noah Timpson

Noah Timpson is a Montreal SEO consultant with 7 years’ experience in the industry. He is also a writer, mentorship speaker and internet entrepreneur. Noah is a dedicated family man living in the city with his wife and kids.

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If you are serious about leveraging the growing internet user numbers, search engine optimization (SEO) should be at the heart of your internet marketing campaign.  According to Google, millions of websites are indexed daily but only small percentage end up making money. To ensure a high ROI in your marketing campaign, you have to strive to achieve higher ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Search engines are the major drivers of traffic to websites according to a survey published by Search Engine Land. The same study shows that search is so crucial in driving website traffic that it beats social media by over 300%. If your website is not ranking highly on SERPs, you risk losing out on the customer-rich internet market. In fact, the same study shows that 75% of internet users don’t scroll past the first page of SERPs and if your website is not here, you simply don’t exist.

If you are struggling to reach your target audience, it is time to hire the best Montreal SEO service. The problem is that there are so many companies in the city all offering similar services. Choosing one form among all these can be a daunting task, especially if this is the first time you are doing this. Luckily, you can use the following tips to determine the best company to use for your SEO campaign:

1.  Research on the Company’s Reputation

Don’t trust everything the company says in its advertisements. Many website owners have fallen for scams through such advertisements. Therefore, take time to do some research on the company. Go online and do a search of the company. With so much information available, it won’t take long to find useful information about the company. If they have negative reviews by several clients, don’t risk working with them.

2.  Ask About Their Methodology 

You have used a lot of time and resources to get your website off the ground and as such, you need to know what anyone who will be working on it wants to do. Many SEO companies use black hat techniques, which could lead to devastating penalties including suspension of your website. If you are going to give access to the SEO service, make sure you confirm that they will only use white hat techniques to boost your website’s ranking on SERPs.

3.  Experience and References

It is highly advisable to find a company that has a good track record in the industry.  Ask for references and if the company is not willing to provide these, just move on. References will help you determine how good the company is and more importantly, you will be able to find out determine whether they use techniques that are agreeable with your needs.

4.   Visit their Site

Does the company practice what it preaches? This is easy to find out by searching their website in the local search. If they are not ranking highly for relevant keywords, make sure you ask why this is so. A good SEO company should have a high-performance website to support its case.

Finding the best SEO service in the city doesn’t have to be so hard after all. Take your time and do some research. Talk to other business owners and make sure you work with a company whose history you understand.

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