4 Ways to Humanize Your Facebook Messenger Chatbot

The best chatbots don’t seem like chatbots at all — they seem like humans!

So how do you create a tech-powered bot to sound like a human?


You inject the bot with a bit of familiarity, humor and empathy — and all this is possible because, contrary to popular belief, chatbots aren’t powered by AI.

They run based on scripts written by marketers like you and me, meaning you can humanize your Facebook Messenger chatbot campaigns the same you you humanize an email marketing campaign.

If you’re running Facebook Messenger chatbots, it’s essential to humanize your bots.

Empathetic, kind, funny bots are unicorns that stand out in the sea of hum-drum, droll bots that sound like … bots.

Here are my top four tips for humanizing your chatbots and make them more engaging than ever!

1. Get to know your Facebook Messenger contacts.

According to the research conducted by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service from brands that provide a personalized experience for them.

Customers feel more important and valued when they receive messages are personalized for them.

In order to start personalizing messages, you have to get to know the users.

A travel agency, for example, could ask users what their dream destinations are — and then follow up on that dream destination down the road.

Or, a coffee company could ask what users’ favorite drinks are, or how many cups of coffee they have on an average day.

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I run a company called MobileMonkey, which is a Facebook Messenger software company (now you see why I’m so keen on chatbot strategy).

In order to get to know our users better, we asked our users what kind of marketers they identify as:

Whether you are sending your customers a chat blast or drip campaigns, the ultimate goal is to make your users feel that their interests, issues or concerns matter and that they are being addressed.

3. Create a chatbot that remembers its users and adjusts its conversations accordingly.

One of the hardest parts of creating a chatbot is maintaining contexts in conversations.

An efficient chatbot analyzes the user intent and knows what offer to its user next.

For instance, when a user has already ordered from a messenger chatbot once, the chatbot should consider offering the user the exact items that she ordered in the past.

Ideally, a bot how to adjust conversations based on different situations and users.

4. Get Visual with Images, Emojis and GIFs

Facebook Messenger chatbots are capable of sending emojis, images and GIFs.

Inject visual flair into your chatbot conversations by using them!

If you can make a user smile with a funny (and relevant) gif, by all means, add it!

As with all your content and social channels, visuals always increase engagement.

Here’s an example from one of our MobileMonkey chatbot conversations.

5. Give your chatbot a voice and a personality.

Giving your chatbot a distinct voice and personality will make your customers feel more comfortable during the conversation.

Using everyday language and injecting humor (while still being professional) will improve the engagement with your chatbot.

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Take a look at how MobileMonkey composes conversational messages to its followers.

If you click on the “Get MobileMonkey” option, it’ll lead you to the sign-up page to get your free account without having to leave the Messenger app.

Throughout the exchange, there’s casual language, emojis and plenty of fun, which are all in keeping with MobileMonkey’s brand voice.

Make your chatbot easy to use because this is one of its primary functions.

Image: Depositphotos.com

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