5 Blogging Fundamentals to Promote Your Success

Success finds the blogger who sticks to the fundamentals.

Failure finds the blogger who strays from the fundamentals.

If you are geesed up – excited – to build a rocking blog follow these 5 fundamentals.

Follow the basics persistently. Build a life of freedom through this fabulous medium known as blogging.

1: Follow Your Passion

Ya gotta love blogging to really rock it out.

You also need to love your niche to become successful and to enjoy the ride.

Although I have taken my hourly breaks today, it is 1:30 PM right now and I have yet to eat a thing. Subsisting on blogging again; I know. If my wife Kelli were around she’d have chided me into eating. But I drove 10 hours yesterday to drop her off at a meditation retreat.

After returning home at 9:30 PM last night I worked through midnight. Up and at ’em at 7 PM for yoga, meditation and work, right to this very minute.

I could never ever ever do what I do – from writing 2 or more guest posts daily to writing 126 eBooks to networking persistently – if I did not have an intense, over powering passion to blog and to write about my travels and how you can succeed with your blog.

Passion fuels your blogging engine.

2: Learn and Study

I skipped this step. For a long time. Naturally, I struggled to build a successful blog from a happy, fun-loving, prospering space because I never learned how to effectively build a rocking blog.

One day I decide to be a sponge. I followed advice from top bloggers. I studied this advice, patiently repeating phrases in my mind until these concepts seeped into my subconscious mind.

Being a student of blogging is the easiest way to lay the foundation for a successful blogging campaign. Nobody can teach effective blogging strategies unless they learn these same effective strategies from blogging pros.

Follow the leaders. Read their blog posts. Buy their products. Hire them. Purchase their eBooks.

Study the content to become informed. Gain clarity as a blogging teacher by knowing that you are sharing proven, sound, success-promoting advice.

3: Practice

Practice writing.

Or if you are a v-logger, practice creating videos daily.

Writing bloggers need to own their chief skill; writing.

Gain clarity and confidence in your writing voice. Cyber pen 500 to 1000 words in a Word document every single day. Follow this daily writing ritual to become prolific and to stand out in your blogging niche.

Practice in private. Shine on the bright, public stage.

4: Create

Create helpful content.

Teach after you learn.

Help people to establish authority in your niche. Folks seek generous, helpful blogging teachers. Be that person by regularly publishing blog posts, guest posts and videos. Be a go-to guy or gal in your blogging niche. Help people.

Creating helpful, targeted content across a range of online channels forms the illusion of being all over the place in your niche. This is never a bad thing if you want to become a full time, pro blogger in your niche of choice.

Help people for free. Readers eventually buy into your premium offerings, in addition to promoting you, increasing your blog traffic.

5: Connect

Connect with top bloggers in your niche.

Help them out by promoting them. Comment effectively on their blogs.

Helping big dawg bloggers forms bonds. Bonds with top bloggers are good money, because these folks promote you, support you, endorse you, hire you and buy your stuff, expanding your reach, your traffic and your blogging cash flow.

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The Video

If you enjoy seeing my talking head in action watch this video:

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