5 Favorite WordPress Podcasts

When it’s time to take a break from projects, I enjoy listening to podcasts as a fun way to keep learning. With so much excitement surrounding WordPress, it can be difficult to stay current on what’s happening in the community and ecosystem. Podcasts offer an easy solution to accomplish just that. There are quite a lot out there. These five are currently among my top favorites. However, I encourage you dig a little deeper and discover other WordPress podcasts you think you’d enjoy.

Episode 444 WP Migrate DB Pro

Your Website Engineer

Your Website Engineer is one of my longtime favorite podcasts. True story: I once drove from the Chicago WordCamp back to Ohio while listening to this podcast series. Your Website Engineer is on my list because it’s not your typical podcast. Instead, it’s more educational. Dustin Hartzler does a great job sharing what’s happening in WordPress. He also provides great tips on plugins, updates, and clever ways to improve your WordPress site. I find that this is a great podcast for beginners to experienced developers looking to learn about WordPress.

Women in WP

As one of the newest WordPress podcasts on this list, Women in WP does an excellent job of sharing real experiences. Running eight episodes strong at the time of writing, each episode is centered around the professional growth of each special guest. It’s truly fascinating to hear how WordPress changed each person’s life in a positive way. The hosts of Women in WP are also very involved in the WordPress community and you’ve likely seen them at a WordCamp or two.

BobWP Do the Woo

WooCommerce is a massive plugin that transforms any WordPress website into a fully functional eCommerce solution. BobWP Do the Woo podcast series is dedicated to WooCommerce and discussing eCommerce in WordPress. Also, WebDevStudios CEO, Brad Williams, is a co-host. Even though I’ve only used WooCommerce on a handful of sites I’ve developed, I enjoy hearing about large scale eCommerce sites and how they operate.

CodePen Radio

Okay, you caught me. CodePen Radio isn’t specific to WordPress, however, there are many episodes that relate. CodePen Radio is one of my favorites because they cover what’s happening in frontend development along with sharing great stories of development. As a CodePen user, I enjoy hearing about the process, decisions, and ideas that they share about there product.


It’s not always easy to stay current on what’s happening the vast world of frontend development, which is why Syntax made my favorite podcast list. I enjoy this podcast because it’s focused on deeper learning. Hearing career perspectives from some of the top developers around can really get me inspired. Even though Syntax is not WordPress specific, I recommend it if you’re a frontend engineer, like myself.


What are your go-to WordPress podcasts? Leave us a comment, below.

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