5 Must-Have SEO Tools For Successful Content Marketing in 2019

According to research, about 55% of the first-time visitors spend about ¼ an hour perusing a website. Once they have a picture and/or perception of what your website is all about, they decide on whether they would like to continue reading through your content and whether they would like to engage. With these statistics, it is very important to come up with quality, informative and shareable content that will make them come back to read further. Readers ought to find value in your content thus making them stay glued to your content and share with your friends.

Having sticky content for your website in the modern days is considered as one of the most effective ways, and still cuts much on costs of drawing traffic to your website thus increasing the chances of the conversion rate. Basically, some of the most successful companies are known to use the sticky contents as a major way of branding. To be able to catch your target niche, it is very important to use a language that concerns the niche. You need to carry out SEO keyword research to ensure that your writing reaches as many people as possible. Below are some of the major SEO tools that you should have in order to have successful writing.

Article paraphrasing and rewriting tool.

Every writer would like to have their article stand unique from the rest of the content found online. It is possible to manually rewrite and generate an idea from a given piece of the article but it is time-consuming. In order to increase your output, you can seek to use one of the most accurate paraphrasing tools available online that rewrites unique writing without changing the entire meaning and message of the original item.

Grammar Checker

One of the major things that put any website visitor off is getting writing that has so many grammatical mistakes. While you may proofread your item for a number of times, there are some mistakes that might pass unnoticed. In order to perfect your grammar, it is recommended that you should use a grammar checker. In addition to the general grammar, a grammar checker tool is helpful in fixing the sentence structures, punctuation, and the style. With this tool, you do not need to be perfect in editing.

Plagiarism Checker.

Imagine submitting a piece of writing, only to realize late that it has been written and used elsewhere. This would be quite frustrating. How do you whether your writing is unique? This cannot be manually done. Using a plagiarism checker tool will show you where your article has been initially used thus enabling you to edit your writing into a unique article. Once you check and know what part of your writing has been used, you can use an article rewriter to generate a unique piece of writing.

Keyword Research Tool.

One of the best ways to ensure that you have content that is ranked higher in the search engines is the use of the right keywords. A keyword research tool will assist you greatly in discovering new keywords that will optimize your content. Proper keyword research is helpful in running successful marketing campaigns. You can also get an estimate of search queries for target keywords. In order to have a better website performance, you can import keywords from competitor websites.

Using a keyword research planner will go a long way in creating successful Ad words campaigns easily.

Content Idea Generator.

How do you come up with great titles for your articles? It may be either simple or hard depending on the level of your expertise. However, you do not have to struggle so much to get the right title. With the content idea generating tool, you can get a suitable idea for your writing. All you need is to enter a keyword and you will get potential catchy titles for your next article.

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