5 Online Tools for Better Business Data Management

data management

No matter what kind of business you run, no matter its size or its complexity, it is of paramount importance that you stay on top of your data and you leverage that information to your maximum benefit.

For e-commerce sites, it’s all about knowing the average order size for customers and how to upsell more products. For bloggers, it’s simply a matter of knowing where their traffic is coming from, how to get more of it, and also how to better engage with their audience. On an affiliate or internet marketer side, it might be about converting visitors into leads and always keeping an eye on conversions.

Analytics are everywhere and depending how you track and manage them, they can quickly take over your business—and sometimes even your life! However, it’s not like you want to inundate yourself with mountains of spreadsheets, data points, and TPS reports where it’d take you a lifetime to make sense of any of it. To get the most of your data, you need to have better data management tools. The following five online tools can help you take your business to the next level:

Marketing data: Oribi

When it comes to marketing data and analytics for your business, this is where the real ROI comes from. The better you understand your analytics and how to cater to your customers and audience, the more likely you are to find success. This is where an analytics tool like Oribi comes in very handy. Not only is this tool built for analytics geeks who just love looking through data, it also caters to the needs of business owners and marketers. No matter who the end user is, the ability to sift through various reports and arrive at an analytical conclusion has never been easier.

However, it’s important to not confuse this as a tool for just large businesses that have a ton of analytics on their paying customers. The goal for bloggers and small business owners, for instance, is to figure out exactly what they should do to grow their audience, boost their bottom line, or otherwise work toward achieving their goals. That’s why Oribi is configured in such a way that you can track your main objectives, whether those are checkouts, subscriptions, sign ups, or anything else.

A Sequoia-backed startup, Oribi offers an analytics tool for non-analysts, utilizing AI-based technology to track any website. From there, you get custom dashboards that show the data that matters most to your specific situation. Not sure what it is you want to achieve? Oribi will even automatically detect your main objectives. You get a breakdown of what works and what doesn’t, learning how different users act across variables like platforms, landing pages, and UTMs.

Data management: dock.io

By now, you’ve likely heard a little bit about cryptocurrency and the blockchain. While there is certainly a lot of buzz surrounding investment opportunities and mining, the real power can be found in the underlying technology. A great example of this is dock.io, a decentralized data exchange powered by Ethereum.

The primary appeal here is that the data is not being closed off in isolated silos that are controlled by just a few companies. Instead, the data at dock.io is shared between users and apps “to create a more connected and decentralized internet.” The net result is that everyone can benefit from having access to more data. You overcome problems of inconsistent information, lost value, and cold starts.

This isn’t to say that it’s just a free-for-all. Users still have full privacy and security, but they are able to freely connect their profiles, reputations, and experiences across the web. Update once in one place (like reviews or work history) and it gets propagated across other profiles and platforms.

The dock.io app was only just recently released on January 1 and partner integration is currently underway.

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Social media: Cyfe

Are you tired of visiting multiple platforms and having to navigate your way around different user interfaces to gain access to all the data you need to run your business? You’re not alone. Cyfe comes to the rescue by offering an all-in-one business dashboard where you can monitor everything from social media and web analytics to marketing, sales, support and infrastructure. It’s all in there.

As a business owner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all your different data sources. The primary goal of Cyfe is to make that data much more manageable by providing more of an over-the-top perspective, including the metrics that matter most to you. You can always dig deeper to get at other details, but having one unified dashboard means you have all that you need at a glance. Beyond the cloud-based interface, you can download spreadsheets for your personal archives or for offline analysis too.

Cyfe supports an increasingly impressive array of online services that you may already be using. These include everything from mainstays like Google Analytics, MailChimp, and WordPress, as well as Basecamp, Bitly, FreshBooks, Eventbrite, Salesforce, PayPal, Pingdom, Shopify . . . the list just goes on and on. These integrate into Cyfe using prebuilt widgets.

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