5 Powerful Ways to Complete the Circuit with Social Media

Five Powerful Ways to Complete the Circuit with Social Media.

Completing the circuit, closing the loop, or sealing the deal: they’re all ways to say the same thing. My clients always want to know the best ways to get the most out of social media, so here you go.

Search for Your Blog Post Title

If you’re a blogger, you want to know who’s talking about you, and where. It’s not always easy to tell on Google Analytics. But when you do a search within a platform, you can often tell right away. Not everyone will tag you when they retweet or repost your article or infographic. If you have a unique title, searching is much easier. Then you can reach out, thank, and connect with those people. Search within Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook (or whichever platform you’re using). And search in several different ways. For instance, use both “Five” and “5” if your headline has the number in it.

Develop Power Partners

Power partners are those who have similar businesses, but are not in competition with you. Find these people, befriend these people, and keep in touch with these people. They may be able to give you referrals! You can connect with these people on whichever social network they’re on. Here are some good ideas for social media power partners: Do You Have Social Media Power Partners for Your Small Business?

Follow Up

Following up is not given enough credit. Depending upon who you talk to, you need to have 7-9 “touches” before someone buys your product or service. People are busy. They might have forgotten to answer your tweet or post or call you. So contact them instead. By the way, here’s a post on follow up that you might like from Forbes: How To Master The Art Of Networking Follow-Up.

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Contact People Where They Have the Fewest Connections

Say you want to connect with an author, but that author has 25,000 followers on Facebook. But on Twitter? Her audience is much smaller. So if you can, go where that person has the smallest audience for the best chance to make contact. You might like, retweet their content, then open a conversation. And don’t forget to be generous first!

Meet in Person

This might sound strange, but the best thing to do once you really know someone well on social media is to meet in person. Social media will only take you so far, and for a lasting connection it’s best to meet in person! You might like The Surprising Importance of the Offline Meeting, by the way.

How have you completed the circuit on social media? Let me know in the comments! And thanks!

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