5 Practical Steps Your Brand Can Take to Build Trust [Infographic]

With all the talk about fake news and misleading ads, it’s no surprise that consumer trust is falling across government, business and media groups.

Indeed, in the executive summary of Edelman’s 2017 Trust Barometer, the organization notes that:

“The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that trust is in crisis around the world. The general population’s trust in all four key institutions – business, government, NGOs, and media – has declined broadly, a phenomenon not reported since Edelman began tracking trust among this segment in 2012.”

Given this, there’s a greater need than ever for brands to build community around their business, to establish connection with their audience and utilize that to foster better relationships. 

This is the focus of a new infographic from LinkedIn, which outlines how brands can use ‘The five Cs’ – Content, Communicate, Community, Constant and Context – to establish better connection with their audience and maintain more effective business relationships. 


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