5 Really Cool Future Trends Of Modern 3D Printing Technology

When 3D printing was first
introduced to the world there seemed to be a limited scope for what it would be
helpful to do. Most people could see it being useful in large manufacturing
companies or industrial settings but not much else. The technology seemed too
futuristic and out of reach for most people to imagine it ever having more
accessible uses.
As time has gone on; the
ways 3D printing has been used in our everyday lives has only continued to
Buying a 3D printer
has become more affordable for even the average consumer to consider. There are
plenty of people who have purchased a 3D printer for their own home and love
the applications it has in their daily routines.
The trends in modern 3D printing
technology are amazing. 3D printing is being used in medical environments, home
environments, and manufacturing as well as places no one ever would’ve
imagined. If you’re curious about how 3D printing is being used, keep reading.
Here are five really cool future trends of modern 3D printing technology.

1. The Cost Will Continue To

As technology continues to
progress the costs associated with 3D printing will continue to decrease. You
can already buy a 3D printer for your home for less than $200 right now but as
things progress those numbers will just continue to drop. The costs for
materials to print 3D items are decreasing too so owning a printer yourself is
just going to become more possible.
The decreased costs will
also increase the uses of 3D printing in our daily lives. Manufacturing
companies are already working on increasing the ways they use 3D printing and
passing those savings on to their customers in some pretty awesome ways.
They’re also finding it more affordable to print in new types of materials so
plastic isn’t the only option anymore.
If you’ve been considering
getting a 3D printer but weren’t sure if you could afford it, now is the time
to strike. Prices are getting better almost daily and you’ll be able to find
the materials you need for printing anything you can dream up for affordable
prices too. This is one trend that’s going to keep getting better with time.

2. Medical 3D Printing Uses Will

3D printing technology in the medical environment is some of the most exciting technological advances to be
made right now. Patients have been able to benefit from 3D printing options in
healthcare settings in some awesome ways. Printing prosthetic limbs has become
an option many people have turned to because it’s less cost-prohibitive than
traditional options.
Pediatric patients are now
more likely to have custom made prosthetic limbs without having to wait until
they’ve stopped growing. The price of printing a new limb for them when they’ve
outgrown their old one is affordable enough that lives are being improved daily
with these advances.
Printing with human cells
to create organic tissue is on the rise too. The process is called 
bioprinting and
it’s being used to help grow new skin and even attempt to grow new organs.
Bioprinting is amazing to think about. As the technology advances, medical
experts believe they’ll eventually be able to grow organs for transplant

3. Aerospace Will Keep Using It

NASA has used 3D printing
in some surprising ways already. From creating pieces that are custom designed
for their shuttles to a design contest for a 3D printed Mars shelter, they’re
pushing this technology to new heights. The uses of 3D printing in space and
for space-related exploration will continue to grow.

The Mars design contest
showed that 3D printing is the future for NASA and anyone focused on making
sustainable items that can survive the harsh environment in space. The ability
to customize shelters or other items needed in space to be printed exactly for
that type of environment is invaluable.
There’s already a 3D
located on the international space station and that printer has printed things in space more than
once at this point. NASA’s plans to continue to grow this type of technology
for space situations will continue to increase in the future years due to the
successes they’ve had in the recent past.

4. The Fashion Industry Will
Increase Their Usage

This isn’t a trend everyone
saw coming but it’s still an exciting way 3D printing is being used. The
fashion industry has been able to incorporate 3D printing into the way they
create designs for their target audiences. This is especially true when it
comes to customizable fashion items and accessories.
Because designers can print
things themselves now, they’re able to work directly with a buyer and create
something the buyer loves for a much more affordable price. There was also 
an entire fashion line
created using 3D printing technology. The designer was able to create a
fabric-like textile and print out skirts and even a jacket with a 3D printer.

5. It’s Going To Get A Lot Faster

High-speed 3D printing is
here and it’s already changing how things are being done. New high-speed
printers can produce the same parts their slower cousins can make in about 40%
less time right now. The technology advancing printing speed is still new and
being developed.
As the newest plans and
printers are put into real environments, high-speed printing will become more
and more prevalent. Just as 3D printing first was applicable in manufacturing
and industrial settings, that’s where high-speed printing is showing up first.
Keep watching to see where that goes because it’s going to change how things
are done yet again.


It’s easy to see that 3D
printing technology isn’t going anywhere. The ways you can use it in your own
life are going to continue to increase and the technology being developed is
cutting edge. If you’re interested in technology and seeing what the next new
thing will be, keep an eye on 3D printing. It’s getting more interesting every
day and the future of this technology promises to be more exciting than ever

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