5 Reasons to Re-share Your Content on Social Media

Every time Stone Temple tweeted about this post, they got more traffic.

We don’t have the y-axis from this graph, but if we just crudely measure the first tweet compared to the second, third, and fourth tweets, we see that Stone Temple got about 150% more traffic from those later tweets.

Would you not like 150% more traffic to your content?

If you’re managing your site correctly, that 150% more traffic should translate into more conversions, more leads, and more revenue. Maybe even 150% more revenue.

The second part of the research Mark did about this was nearly as interesting:

“I sampled the Twitter shares of 30 different people who were both regular bloggers and regular Twitter users. I took note when they shared one of their own blog posts for the first time on Twitter. Then I monitored their tweets for 30 days. I found that 80% of those people never shared their own content again after the first time.”

I believe that’s about the third stat we’ve mentioned that shows only about 20-30% of content marketers re-sharing their content. The different studies are surprisingly consistent.

2. Re-sharing your content costs next to nothing

If you’re using one of the re-sharing tools like Hiplay or MeetEdgar, it takes just 3-5 clicks to add a post to a content library that gets re-shared randomly and automatically. Many other social media management or marketing automation tools also offer re-sharing features, too.

Don’t say you can’t afford this, either. Hiplay costs $5 a month. Even shoestring budgets can handle that.

It’s not the only re-sharing tool around, though. Buffer (which costs $10 a month) lets you pick posts to re-share. Though you do have to pick what to re-share manually.

Still, it takes barely five minutes of work to review your social media feed from the last few days, pick about 10-20% of what you’ve posted, and just click a few times to re-queue those shares.

Not only is this getting more exposure for your content, but it’s also saving you time by keeping your social media feeds full.

Which brings us to #3:

3. Re-sharing your content means you have to spend less time filling up your social media queues

Let’s face it: Finding and preparing first-rate content to share with a social media audience takes time. Lots of time.

There are services like Quuu that can find and post some content for you automatically, but it’s really best to view those as a supplemental service ― not your entire social media queue.

And you can and should also re-share other people’s content. But re-sharing your own content, as mentioned above, takes away some of that work. It may end up saving you several hours a week.

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