5 Rock Solid Fundamentals for Creating a Thriving Blogging Career

Living the internet lifestyle may seem like a pipe dream to some bloggers.

Sure they dove into the blogging game full of enthusiasm, positive energy flowing through their pores.

Unfortunately, they never reined in their excitement, leading to some harebrained blogging activities and sustained struggles.

Most bloggers quit all together after facing strong resistance even for a few months, let alone for years.

The folks who build thriving, successful blogging careers do things differently by following the rock solid fundamentals that excitable, struggling bloggers ignore all together.

Rekindle your desire fire for blogging. I am living proof; living a freeing, fun, dream life through blogging is far from a pipe dream. When you follow the fundamentals you can clearly see how with time, patient service and generosity, it really is only a matter of calmly scaling up through helping an increasing number of people interested in your blogging niche.

Follow these 5 rock solid fundamentals to become a successful blogger who makes a career out of this blogging bit.

1: Know Why

Why are you blogging?

Successful bloggers blog:

  • to have fun
  • to free themselves
  • to free other people

Top bloggers are mainly driven by rendering service. Money traffic and fame are all well and good but the best bloggers on earth who really enjoy the ride simply have purer, more clean, more loving, fun intents than the many bloggers who litter cyber space with their low energy silliness.

2: Learn from Pros

Learn blogging from top professionals.

Study from pros.

Professional, established bloggers like Jeff Goins offer top shelf advice.

Follow their insights. Do not make the common but completely boneheaded beginner blogger mistake of ignoring blogging advice from pros to trust blogging advice from amateurs.

Trust pros.

Pros know.

But reading one post does not constitute learning.

Follow top blogs, read posts, buy courses and eBooks, study and take notes. Review these concepts to allow the ideas to become seared onto your mind.

3: Practice

Practice diligently.

Work on your writing skills. Work on your presentation skills.

Practicing the skill of blogging is the simple, direct path to blogging success. This pillar of rocking blogging is foolishly ignored by most bloggers who actually believe you can become a successful blogger without honing your blogging skills through diligent practice.

Insane, eh?


Practicing regularly helps you gain immense clarity and confidence in your writing, and in your blogging skills.

4: Ask Quality Questions

Most bloggers quit because they don’t bother to ask questions to get to the core of their struggles. Other bloggers quit because they ask silly, unimportant, low quality questions to uncover their blogging problems.

Ask quality questions about the struggles you are facing. Think clarity. Think simplicity. Think about who you should be to inspire people and to become a pro blogger, and ask questions from that energetic perspective.

5: Create and Connect

Create helpful content in the form of:

  • blog posts
  • guest posts
  • videos
  • podcasts
  • products
  • eBooks
  • audio books

Peep this screen share video I filmed recently explaining how you can tweet properly for increased blog traffic and profits:

See how I laid out helpful, actionable content in creative fashion?

People dig creators because creative bloggers rise above the field of competition.

Create. Regularly. Publish good things for others to develop a positive, generous reputation in your blogging niche.

Connecting involves building friendships with fellow bloggers by:

  • promoting them on social media
  • promoting them on your blog via quick snippets
  • interviewing them on your blog
  • commenting genuinely on their blog

Building your blogging connections expands your reach, helping you leverage your presence online.

Imagine you tweeting your latest blog post. Bleh. Not much traffic there, even if you have a large, targeted following.

Imagine 1,000 blogging buddies retweeting your latest blog post to create a deluge of blog traffic for you.

How do you make 1,000 blogging buddies? Through helping thousands of bloggers over the next 6-12 months by doing the exact things I indicated on the bullet point list above.

Your Turn

How are you building a successful blog on fundamentals?

What fundamentals can you add to this list?

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