5 Ways to Create High-Performing Influencer Content By Paige White

Summary: If you want to create high-performing influencer content, you need to think beyond the quality of the post itself.

If you want to create high-performing influencer content, you need to think beyond the quality of the post itself.

  1. Create Customer Personas

Influencer content will generate a greater ROI (Return on Investment) if you have a customer persona on which to base the format and tone of your message. Well-developed customer personas will help to ensure that your content is targeted to the right audience at a macro level and, more appropriately, to the right individuals at a micro level. Targeting an audience, that is female aged 18-35, is not nearly as effective as creating a customer persona that is female, aged 24-35, college-educated, interested in content about fashion, and lives in the city.

  1. Integrate SEO in Your Content

Influencer content can generate positive results long after an article is posted. Potential customers may search for the product weeks or months later. Help them find your content by exercising SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices in your article or review. For added value, make sure that back links drive traffic to high value landing pages and conversion touch points.       

  1. Use Infographics & Video

According to brainrules.net, three days after you hear a piece of information you will likely only remember 10% of the message. However, if an image is added to that content, you’ll remember 65% of it. Video is even more powerful. According to a 2018 survey by HubSpot, 54% of consumers have indicated a preference to see more video content from brands. Also, branded video is nearly three times more popular than branded blogs, so be sure to include video in your influencer content whenever possible and appropriate. Adding video to your YouTube channel will also help with Google rankings.

  1. Make Sure Your Content is Responsive

Google is moving towards mobile-first indexing which means they will use the mobile version of the page for indexing and ranking as more web users access content from a mobile device. This means that it’s extremely important to ensure that you use responsive design so that your content is indexed properly by Google. It is also preferable as it eliminates the need to have one design for desktop and one for mobile.

  1. Make Sure Your Site Uses SSL

Although not directly related to content, this is becoming an increasingly important issue since Google moved this year to more aggressively push webmasters to secure their sites. For now, sites without SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) show as ‘not secure’ in Chrome (SSL will show “https” in the URL compared to non-secure site that will only show “http”), but this warning is expected to become more pronounced in the months ahead. As this can impact how your content is ranked in Google, be sure to have SSL added to your site. It’s a simple, fast, and inexpensive way to further ensure your content is optimized for maximum audience exposure.

Paige White is President and Co-founder of SheSavvy.com, a leader in influencer marketing solutions. This article appeared in issue 45 of FeedFront Magazine, which was published in January 2019: Visit Here

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