5 Ways to Increase Your Email Deliverability in 2019

Do you want to increase your email deliverability this year? Email marketing is a great way to drive more traffic to your site, increase engagement, and generate more sales.

But, what if your emails aren’t reaching the inboxes of your subscribers and they’re being sent to the spam folder instead? That means that your emails aren’t going to be read and all of your hard work is lost.

Don’t worry though, there are a number of simple fixes you can make that will ensure your email lands in the right place.

Check out these 5 ways to increase your email deliverability in 2019.

1. Use an SMTP and PHP Mailer Plugin

If you want to improve your email deliverability, one of the easiest things you can do is install an SMTP and PHP mailer WordPress plugin such as WP Mail SMTP. Over 1 million websites use WP Mail SMTP to fix their email deliverability issues.

When your WordPress website sends an email to a user or customer, the email can be marked as spam or it could be blocked. But, WP Mail SMTP makes sure your emails are properly authenticated and sent via trusted third parties, ensuring your email is successfully delivered to the inbox.

Other features WP Mail SMTP offers include white glove setup, an email log to keep track of every email sent, the ability to manage email notifications easily, and more. It also seamlessly integrates with Gmail/G Suite, Mailgun, Microsoft, SendGrid, and Amazon SES.

2. Use a Double Opt-In

Next, you’ve got to go back to the beginning. This means, you have to take a look at how users sign up for your email list in the first place. Have you ever received an angry customer service message from a user that reads “I never signed up for this!”? It happens a lot.

Many times, users don’t even realize they signed up for your email list at all. While some of those users may send you a message asking for an explanation, many will just mark your email as spam, which can cause ISPs (internet service providers) to think that you’re spamming your entire list.

So, instead of using a single opt-in on your website, use a double opt-in. A double opt-in is when a subscriber signs up for your email list through your subscription form and afterwards they get an email with a link to confirm that they want to subscribe.

When using a lead generation tool like OptinMonster along with an email marketing service, enabling a double opt-in is as easy as the click of a button.

Using a double opt-in ensures that the people that are subscribed to your email list, actually want to be there, reducing the risk that your messages get marked as spam.

3. Avoid Using Spam Words

Did you know that there are a lot of danger words that can get your emails marked as spam? When writing your email subject line as well as the email copy, it’s important to remove any words that can trigger spam filters.

Some of the spam words you should avoid like the plague include:

  • Order
  • Clearance
  • Make money
  • Double your
  • Cash
  • Lowest price
  • Click/Click here
  • Notspam/This isn’t spam

To make sure you’re not writing spammy email subject lines, you could even use a free tool like CoSchedule’s Email Subject Line Tester. Simply type your email subject line into the field provided and hit the “Score My Subject Line” button. The tool will then immediately identify any spam words that you should remove as well as give you tips on how to create a more click-worthy subject line.

4. Simplify the Opt-Out Process

Just as you need to optimize the opt-in process, you also need to optimize the opt-out process by making it easy for users to unsubscribe from your list.

This might not make a lot of sense because of course, who wants to risk losing email subscribers? But, if a subscriber is no longer interested in receiving your messages but they can’t figure out how to unsubscribe, you run the risk of them just marking your emails as spam so they won’t receive them anymore. Getting too many emails marked as spam can ruin your IP and email deliverability. An opt-out process is also mandated by the CAN-SPAM Act.

So, make sure your subscribers can easily opt-out at any time. This means placing your “Unsubscribe” button in a spot that users will see, typically at the bottom of each email. It’s also good practice to send a confirmation email to the user so that they know they’ve successfully unsubscribed.

5. Send Emails People Will Love

A big part of increasing your email deliverability is sending emails or newsletters that people love. When your ISP sees that users are opening and reading your emails, it helps your IP build trust. On the other hand, if you keep sending emails to users that never open them, ISPs can send your future emails to the spam folder, even if the user didn’t mark them as spam.

One way to build IP credibility is by sending a small amount of emails to users that you know are active and engaged. These users are sure to open and interact with your emails, which will increase the trustworthiness of your IP. Once you start to build your IP reputation, you can start sending more emails to more users. You can check your IP reputation using a tool like Sender Score.

It’s also wise to start sending more personalized emails. You can segment your email list based on gender, location, interests, purchase history, and so on in order to send the exact type of messages and promotions your subscribers are interested in receiving. When your subscribers get emails that are tailored to their preferences and interests, they’ll be more likely to open them and engage with them.

Plus, sending emails that your subscribers will love to read not only improves email deliverability but it can also improve engagement and conversions as well.

Over to You

Email marketing is one of the best ways to turn leads into customers and casual customers into repeat, loyal customers. So, be sure to use these tips for increasing your email deliverability in order to get the most results out of your email marketing strategy.

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