5 Ways to Keep Your Bad Days at Bay

“Have a Bad Day Day”—yes, it really is a thing—falls on the 19th of November each year. While this “holiday” has its origins in good humor, some negative people seem to purposefully set out to make days unbearable for the people around them on any given date. And sometimes, we even get in our own way of having a good day by doing things that sabotage our productivity and ability to view our world in an enthusiastic light.

We all have our less-than-ideal moments when we fall prey to distractions, discontent, and naysayers. I’ve certainly experienced them, but I’ve found ways to make them fewer and far between. Fortunately, by keeping our minds purposefully focused and our energy positive, we can avoid ruining the day for ourselves and prevent the ill will of others from making our days a nightmare.

Here, I’ve listed the practices that work for me. By incorporating them into your daily routine, you also might stand a better chance of making the day great.

1. Start the day by reflecting on your accomplishments and what you have to be grateful for

No matter what challenges or setbacks you face, there’s always something to take pride in and give thanks for. As soon as my alarm clock rings in the morning, I take a moment to reflect on the blessings in my personal and professional life; that sets the tone for the rest of the day. By immediately focusing on the positive, you’ll start your day feeling empowered and uplifted.

2. Have a plan for your day

There’s nothing wrong with a little spontaneity, but if you play all elements of your day by ear, you’ll fall behind on your responsibilities, miss deadlines, and jeopardize business and personal relationships. By taking a few moments, either first thing in the morning or the evening before to set priorities and reserve time for what you need to accomplish, you’ll stay on track. Having a plan will help set the day’s pace and prevent you from overextending yourself.

3. Delegate when appropriate

Too many busy entrepreneurs try to do it all themselves—especially when first launching their businesses. As a “Type A” individual, I understand the urge to want to control every detail, but realize there’s only so much of you to go around. You cannot—and should not—try to do everything. By delegating select responsibilities to capable people, you can permit yourself to focus on what you do best and what you enjoy most.

RELATED: 10 Tasks to Delegate to Employees

4. Take a deep breath when someone pushes your buttons

I admit, I don’t always find it easy to let go of the hurtful or antagonistic comments or actions inflicted by others. But when I do put that pessimism aside, I feel lighter and less stressed. When people push your buttons, remind yourself it’s their problem, not yours. Don’t dwell on their negativity and let it distract you or break your spirit.

5. Give yourself something to look forward to

Do this every day. Even the worst of days can seem less deflating if you reward yourself for your efforts. Carve out time for a massage, a special meal, quiet time with a favorite book, a long walk with your dog, a game of kickball with your kids before dinner, or whatever else will help relax you and makes you happy.

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