5 Ways to Leverage City-level Data in Bitly

5 Ways to Leverage City-level Data in Bitly

If you’re a marketer, you know how valuable data is to driving your decisions.

For location-based marketing, understanding the city-by-city opportunities available to your business in regions around the globe is priceless, whether it’s those cities located in your business’s “backyard” or ones in different timezones.

With location data, marketers can:

– Be smarter about how (and where) they grow their customer base
– Increase engagement with their brand
– Refine personalization & their brand’s overall customer experience

There are many ways marketers can glean insight into where their businesses’ most engaged audiences are located around the world. However, by using Bitly, marketers have continuous access to real-time, location-based data—down to the city level—on every single link they share. 

Bitly’s city & country-level data

In addition to many other data points, with an enterprise account, you can access country and city-level data on individual and overall links. 

Both metrics give you a quick visual snapshot of your link engagement, providing actionable, geo-specific insights into where your brand’s communications are making an impact. In this post, we’ll mostly focus on how you can use city-level data to decide and refine your marketing activity.

Using city-level data to optimize your marketing campaigns & initiatives

Scheduling organic social media posts

Empower your social media marketers with data on where your business’s most active audiences are located. With this information, they can schedule posts to go out at more ideal times so your target audiences is more likely to see them. 

If they need to promote an event, such as a virtual conference or webinar, they can use city and country-level data in Bitly to make sure promotional posts go live at the best possible times. This also ensures they’re leveraging your business’s organic social media channels to the fullest extent possible.

Audience targeting for display ads

You can use city and country-level data to know where to serve digitals ads to people in areas where your audience is highly engaged with your brand.

For example, you may have a limited budget to promote a new campaign, but want to test running ads on LinkedIn to drive awareness. You can prioritize targeting those cities where people have shown interest in your business.

Regional deals & promotions

If your business leverages SMS, try building out audience segments by city so you can build more personalized mobile marketing campaigns based on the cities your most engaged customers are located.

By doing this, you can share special offers—like free shipping and coupon codes—and test which types of deals and promotions are most effective in each city.

Local events

In another blog post, we covered how city-level data in Bitly can help your business invest in the right local events, whether virtual or in-person. If you know that the majority of your engaged audience is located in New York City and San Francisco, for example, then you may decide to prioritize hosting local events in those cities.

Similarly, sometimes event marketing teams have lean budgets. If you have to choose between one city and another to host or participate in an event, you can use Bitly’s city-level data to nudge you in one direction.

Product positioning

Your business may market to people in many different regions. Understanding which locations—on a city and country level—your audience is most engaged is important to determining how to best position your brand’s products and services to its target customers.

Having this information can help your business establish region-specific messaging that empowers its entire go-to-market strategy, including its content marketing, digital advertising and the sales team’s approach to engaging prospective customers.

For example, if you know that much of your engaged audience is from a particular city, you might attribute a customer quote or testimonial to someone from the same area.

Having access to location data means a clearer picture of how customers engage with your brand. For location-based marketing initiatives, this information is priceless. If you’re ready to learn how to leverage location-based data in Bitly, get in touch. We look forward to chatting.

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