5 Ways to Write Better Product Descriptions

If you run an online store, you know how important it is to write copy that’s enticing and grabs the customers’ attention. Because shoppers don’t get to view your products in person, it’s essential to write accurate product descriptions that say exactly what they’re going to get and highlight the benefits.

A badly written description could be the difference between an abandoned webpage and a sale.

But how do you write the kind of descriptions that convert?

It’s important to go into detail about the different features and benefits the products provide so users feel like it’s worth their coin. Too many copywriters go about writing product descriptions the wrong way because they focus on the aspect of selling instead of the customer. However, when you write descriptions with the customer in mind, you automatically increase your chances of selling that product.

To write descriptions that work, you need to:

  • Focus on the customer
  • Make your content easy to scan
  • Emphasize the product’s benefits
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Maintain consistent branding

Here’s more on these five tips so that you can write product descriptions that convert your visitors into customers.

1. Focus on the customer.

When you make your marketing strategy about the customer’s needs, you set yourself up for higher conversions. Your end goal may be to generate sales, but that thought alone isn’t going to help you get there. You need to focus on the customer and what they want so you can easily sell to them.

Focus on your target audience’s pain points. A customer’s pain point is a specific issue they’re experiencing that your products could help alleviate. For example, if a customer wants to buy a certain type of product online, but the shipping costs are too high, that creates a pain point. Now the customer has to search elsewhere for a similar product with free shipping. If your brand offers this perk, then you’ve just solved that prospect’s pain point by offering a solution.

To focus on the customer, you need to know them well. Create buyer personas of your ideal customers so you can write product descriptions that detail their pain points and tell them how you’re going to solve them. 

Include the following information in your buyer personas:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Buying behaviors
  • Income 
  • Education
  • Personal interests
  • Problems and pain points

Consider how your audience likes their favorite brands to talk to them. What specific keywords do they include in their search? What questions are they asking?

The more you know about your customers, the better you’re able to cater to their needs based on their interests. As such, the product descriptions you create based on the knowledge you already have about them will match their expectations and encourage them to buy.

2. Make them skimmable.

Most users aren’t looking to read five paragraphs top to bottom about your products and their different features. They want to know the basic benefits and whether or not they align with their needs. If this information isn’t readily available, there’s a chance you’re missing out on paying customers.

According to research by ChartBeat, 55% of website visitors spend less than 15 seconds scouring a webpage. On top of that, attention spans are short, so it shouldn’t take customers more than a few seconds to know what your products do and why they add value to prospects’ lives.

Make sure your product descriptions are skimmable. Break them down into bullet points or numbered lists that are easy to look over quickly. Provide multiple clear images of each product including a few during use. If you can, include video content of your products so customers can follow along with the description and its uses.

3. Highlight the benefits.

It isn’t enough to say what your product does, although that is helpful information. According to a recent study, only 25% of leads are ready to purchase. If you want to entice your audience, you need to make your description about how your product benefits them. What all does it do? How does it make life easier? What problems does it solve? The more you emphasize the benefits, the more customers will want to buy.

Your description should highlight how your products improve the buyer’s life. To emphasize this more clearly, jot down all the features that come to mind before writing your description. For every feature, list a direct benefit the customer will experience from using it. 

For example, if you’re selling skincare and you write down that your products contain no alcohol, then a direct benefit would be that it’s safe to use for those with sensitive skin. 

Not only will this method allow you to highlight the benefits of your products, but it also sets you up to create descriptions that are vivid and enticing. The more persuasive your writing, the higher chances you have of selling. Include power words in your copy to strengthen your content and avoid passive voice. 

4. Optimize for SEO.

Search engine optimization should be present in all areas of your e-commerce site, not just your descriptions. This will determine how you rank in search and how easy or difficult it is for customers to find you through a Google search. If you don’t keep these keywords in mind when writing your product descriptions, there’s a lower chance of reaching your target market.

Write down a list of keywords you want to include in your description and narrow them down as specifically as you can. Think about who you’re catering to and for what purpose. For example, instead of using “gym shoes” as a keyword, which is broad and difficult to target, you could narrow it down to “comfortable women’s running shoes.” This tells your audience what and who the shoes are primarily for.

Focus on long-tail keywords that allow you to be descriptive. Stay away from broad terms that speak to a large, unreachable audience. You want your products to be the first that pop up in search when a customer is on the hunt for a new purchase. If that’s going to happen, you need to be specific with your keywords.

You should include your keywords in the following areas:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Alt or image tags
  • Product descriptions

Use Google Keyword Planner or Buzzsumo to search your keywords and see which terms are currently trending. Collect a list of recurring words and descriptors appropriate for your product that you can add to your description so it appeals to your target audience. 

5. Align descriptions with your brand image.

Your brand image is how customers and prospects perceive your brand. Contrary to what many think, it’s not just about the physical look of your brand. It also consists of your morals, mission, tone, voice, language, packaging and more, and it develops over time. It should be relevant to your message and spread across all aspects of your marketing, including email, landing pages, and social media. 

When writing your product descriptions, consistent branding is important because it:

  • Builds brand credibility
  • Makes your site look professional
  • Creates recognition 
  • Sets you apart from competitors

Inconsistency shows prospects that your brand is lazy and unorganized, so you want to avoid this by making sure every area matches your image.

You can’t afford to not realize how much your product descriptions play a part in increasing your revenue and generating sales. They’re one of the first things users see when they check out your products; if they aren’t in tip-top shape to persuade customers, then they aren’t fit for your e-commerce store. You need to make sure you focus on the customer, stick to branding, use SEO, highlight the benefits, and make your descriptions scannable and easy to consume. 

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