5 Winning Examples of Sales Emails Done Right

According to Tellwise, the average consumer gets over 100 emails per day, but opens just 23% and clicks on only 2%. When you’re sending a sales email, you need to be part of that 2%.

But how do you get someone to not only read your email but take action from it? The key is to write a killer sales email that they can’t say no to.

Writing and sending an effective email takes careful thought and strategy. You need to have a quality opening, closing and body.

In an article for Inc, sales blogger Geoffrey James writes, “Killer sales emails (the ones that get many responses) are short and simple, with an opener that’s intriguing, a benefit that a customer can easily understand, and a closer that has an easily executed call to action.”

If you struggle with writing sales emails, my tool Mailshake can help. Or, try one of these five examples of sales emails that will help you get the results you want.

Email #1: Grab attention with the subject line

Subject: Ideas for your lead gen


I’d like to discuss your lead gen efforts.

We’re helping other [industry] companies collect their prospects straight from professional social networks and import them directly into their CRM (adding phone numbers and email addresses).

Quick question: can you put me in touch with whoever is responsible for new prospecting and revenue­ generating tools at [company]?


[Your Name]

Source: Attach

Why it works:

The subject line is the first barrier you must get through. According to Convince and Convert, 33% of people open emails based only on subject line. That means it won’t matter how good the inside of your email is if the subject line doesn’t get them to open it.

Your subject line should pique the reader’s interest and entice them to click. Phrases like “Quick question” or “Thoughts on” or “Have you considered” may be successful.

Avoid using certain words like “free,” “sale,” “discount” and others to steer clear of getting flagged as spam.

Email #2: Start off on the right foot

Subject: Thought you might find this helpful


I saw your recent announcement this week about [news]. It got me thinking… I found this article on [topic] that I think you could use as you and your team move forward.

Hope you find it helpful. Let me know if you’d like to chat more about it offline.

Best of luck,


Source: Hubspot

Why it works:

If you start off your email with “Hi, my name is..” you’re missing a big opportunity. Right off the bat, you need to connect with the prospect. This is best done by talking about them instead of you.

In his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie says, “You can make more friends in two months by being interested in them, than in two years by making them interested in you.”

Research your prospect and their company before reaching out. See if there is something you could mention that would grab their attention, such as a recent announcement they’ve made.

Email #3: Connect through your body copy


In working with others in your industry, one of the key issues they’re struggling with is [key issue].

This past year we helped numerous companies to [business driver], resulting in [value].

If this is something you’re challenged with too, let’s set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help.

All the best,


Source: Hubspot

Why it works:

After you’ve grabbed the prospect’s attention through the subject line and opening sentences, you need to reel them in by conveying the value your company can provide.

Consider discussing a common issue they may be having and how your company can solve that problem. Share concrete evidence such as success stories or statistics about the results other companies have had with your help.

Email #4: Close out strong

Hey [first name],

I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out because [explain how we got their contact information and how we relate to them: talked to a colleague, saw your company online, etc.].

[Name of company] has a new platform that will help your team at [organization name]. [One sentence pitch of benefits].

I know that [our product] will be able to help [name of your company] [insert high level benefit here].

Are you available for a quick call [time and date]?


Source: Close.io

Why it works:

In an article for Sales Hacker, Sean Gordon, CEO of HIRENAMI, writes, “If you’re writing a sales email to a prospect, chances are you are expecting something from them. Ask yourself a few questions while drafting your email – why are you sending this email? What is your expected outcome?”

You need to provide the prospect with next steps to move forward with the sale. Ask them to set up a meeting or a call. Their response will also indicate how effective your sales email was.

Email #5: Sign off successfully

Hi [Name],

I’m trying to figure out who is in charge of [leading general statement] there at [company].

Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?


[Phone number]

[Email address]

[Links to social profiles, company website,etc.]

Source: Attach

Why it works:

Your email signature should not detract from the call to action you’ve given in your closing, but it should provide additional information in case the prospect needs it. This could include your phone number, email address, social profile, company website, etc.

Don’t overwhelm the reader with a too-busy signature. Leave out the pictures and inspirational quotes. Keep it clear and simple to ensure the reader doesn’t get too distracted.

What tactics and strategies have worked best for you in your sales emails? Share your top tips in the comments below:

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