6 Steps to Create a Great Email Signature

6 Steps to Create a Great Email Signature

When you get emails with signatures that include photos and live links to social media feeds, do you find them interesting and wonder how you could do the same?

An email signature can make your emails stand out from the daily storm that hits most inboxes every day. This simple six-step process will guide you through designing your own awesome email signature.

1. Determine Your Goal

Your signature will make you stand out, but what do you expect to achieve beyond that? Work out what your immediate and short-term goals for this process.

Possible direct effects of a great email signature include; a greater sense of personal contact, an extra social media follower, and a smiling contact.

Your immediate aim might be to amuse your contact, and laughs don’t generate dollars directly, but a happy contact is more likely to buy from you. If your prospects feel a more personal bond with you, they are more apt to ask for your help when making a purchase.

2. Learn Basic HTML

You can use a plain text email signature, but it will never stand out like an HTML formatted one.

You only need a smattering of code knowledge to produce great-looking sign-offs. And Copy and Paste solves a lot of apparent issues.

The easiest way to get the code you want is to:

Open a WordPress Dashboard → Posts →  Add New Post → Then enter type that you want. Insert any images just as you would for a blog post and format font and alignment to your liking. Then, switch to the text view window, which will give you the HTML for your signature. Copy and paste it into your email signature HTML window.

For an easier solution, use an application such as WiseStamp, where formatting is a breeze. This links to your social media accounts and can include your latest tweets or photos.

Source: https://www.wisestamp.com/

3. Color Choice

You’d be surprised to learn which colors evoke certain emotions from customers. 

Source: https://www.usertesting.com/blog/color-ux-conversion-rates/

Use the right colors to elicit the desired emotion in your email contacts. Alternatively, use the branding colors that you have already chosen for maximum resonance with your target profile.

4. Your Photo

People buy from people, even in the B2B world, so include a smiling and professional headshot in your signature. Use the same photo as you use on your website for a greater branding effect.

A professional headshot works best, but if you are using a DIY photo, then make sure the background is uncluttered and that there is enough contrast between your face and the background. Make sure the image isn’t overly complicated or obscured, and that it’s inviting and appropriate. 

5. Your Message

Having a message in your signature can help give your prospects a glimpse into what kind of person you are, and what drives you. It can also reflect the type of company you represent and the line of work you’re in. 

Your message doesn’t need to be lengthy. You can use colons (::) and pipes (¦¦) to separate parts of your message, so it needs to be easy to scan. Try using unusual, powerful, and actionable words to penetrate the email marketing fog that blights most email communications.

6. Check, Check and Check Again

Your contacts are going to open your email on all manner of devices ranging from mobile phones to tablets to desktops. Many contacts open email messages on mobile devices and never reopen them on larger screens, which reinforces the concept of optimizing for mobile. You only get one chance, so make sure you get the most out of it. The easiest way to ensure you’re emails are compatible with various devices is by using email marketing automation software

Give your email signature a lot of thought and consideration. It’s the last thing your prospects see when reading your messages, so you’ll want to leave a lasting impression that gives them an idea of who you are and why you’re reliable. 


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