6 Tips for Landing Your Dream Analytics Internship

Looking for some tips on how to land an internship while in college? Is digital analytics your passion? You’re in the right place.

Analytics can be daunting, it requires the drive to discover something new but meaningful, being an undirected problem solver, and excessive amounts of passion for data. Along with those characteristics, I’ve got six tips on how to really set yourself apart from your competition and land an analytics internship.

1) Reach Out to Your Professors

If you attend a university where your professors are teaching in the classroom as well as actively working in the field, then consider yourself blessed.

Building a connection with a professor who’s also a current industry leader is super important and valuable to building your network.

Showing interest in your professors and what they really have to say about the industry will be extremely beneficial to your odds of landing an analytics internship.

2) Join Clubs and Find a Mentor

Joining clubs that involve digital marketing and/or advertising can help set yourself apart. Surround yourself with connections in the industry you want to be in. Join Philly Ad Club, for example, there is even a student membership!

Employers want to see you getting involved and actively aiding your future.

Get exposed to surrounding companies by participating in agency/company tours and having coffee after hearing a guest speaker. They want to help you get a better understanding of digital marketing as a whole – including analytics internships and roles in other divisions.

3) Keep Tabs on the Industry

Make sure and stay up to date on digital marketing – things change quickly in the industry. A simple way to do this is to sign up for newsletters from your favorite agencies and resources The Seer Interactive blog, Recode, Ad Age, AdWeek, DigiDay and Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik are are great to follow and keep up with. 

Going into an interview and being able to talk about Google’s visualization tool that’s still in beta or the cool new Google Search features, will highlight your dedication to know what’s going on in digital marketing.

They can also be incredible resources for career postings and industry events.’ Digital marketing is fast paced, everyday Google is changing their algorithm or Adobe is releasing a new feature – so keep up with the industry.

4) Attend Networking Events

Usually, your school holds events or your professors know where to direct you. If not, all it takes is a quick search for digital marketing networking events held by local companies like PhIMA. Networking events expose you to the professionals already in the industry. Go show them how interested you are in scoring an analytics internship, purposely be eager!

If you know ahead of time who some of the professionals are that will be there, do some research on LinkedIn and get a few questions geared specifically towards their position. Even if you’re a beginner, they will be impressed by your effort to make valuable connections. Get to know the people who work in digital marketing – valuable connections are everywhere.

5) Be Proactive With Your Free Time

Nothing says that you are a dedicated, hard worker like learning on your own time. There are so many tools out there that digital analytics professionals use everyday. Soon enough you’ll have to know them too, right? So start now!

Take online courses from Coursera and Udemy – they are inexpensive, and often free!

Usually your university will offer free subscriptions Lynda and LinkedIn Learning. Ask around – these sites hold a library of tutorials on just about every type of software out there! When you’re feeling confident, go ahead and get Google Analytics certified. You’ll surely stand out from other analytics internship candidates by taking advantage of free online resources.

6) Showcase Your Work On Linkedin

PLEASE for the love of your future get yourself a LinkedIn profile. There are hundreds of recruiters looking on LinkedIn everyday for their next intern and/or full time employee.

If you already are a LinkedIn vet, give yourself a pat on the back and then go make sure it is updated! How are you going to stay in touch with the Analytics Director of Seer who you met at a local analytics panel? Showcasing your accomplishments and interests through LinkedIn will aid in the likelihood of you landing a digital analytics internship.

BONUS: Seer Resources and Guides

Get familiar with the different applications used by digital marketing professionals, check out some of these beginner posts.

Always remember to utilize your resources and be confident in yourself.

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