7 Serious LinkedIn Networking Mistakes You Should Avoid Immediately

The users are almost doubled in the last 10 years which is 5 million right now!

should make the most of it. By making mistakes on LinkedIn could
actually harm your profile and results in losing good connections…

Here is the of some serious mistake people making on LinkedIn to build a network, which must be avoided immediately:

#1 Adding Irrelevant People

a request to people on LinkedIn, just to build the network or increase
the number of connections. Most of the people who are new to LinkedIn
follow this practice, they just see the others profile and blindly
follow them. They are behind the numbers. 20,000 connections they write
proudly on their profile headline.

But tell me one thing? Does that number really entice you? How many of them actually helpful or your potential clients?

What you should do?

a social media expert for the last 6 years, I know all the ins and outs
of it. Let me tell you one thing quality is more important than
quantity on LinkedIn especially. Adding wrong people can hamper the
quality of your profile. With irrelevant people in your network, you
can’t exchange the right information, or learn something helpful for
your career.

You should add more potential customers or
acquaintance who can help you in some way, or help you grow. You should
be really choosy about picking up the right people to connect.

#2 Ask for a Recommendation

ask for recommendations on LinkedIn, even if they don’t really know
that person. A few days ago I received a lot of request from unknown
people do give them recommendations, I mean they are in my professional
network, But I barely know them personally. How can I recommend someone i
don’t really know?

What you should do?

before asking someone for a recommendation, please make sure you know
that person really well, they know your work and skills. If you
delivered a project recently, politely ask your client if they could
write a short recommendation on your LinkedIn profile. Or simply if you
worked really well on some project, you can ask your team lead, manager,
or teammate to write a recommendation.

Once you have a couple of
good reviews, then you can ask your professional network, if you know
someone for a long time and worked with them remotely and personally
delivered some good work.

#3 Sending Invite Without Context

send invites to other professionals without context or messaging. The
professionals receive a lot of invites per day, why would they add you
in their network? They don’t see your request, they just see the number
of invites they received.

What you should do?

example, you are a digital marketing specialist and some android
fresher sends you to request without any context, what will you do? You
will reject, right?

And, if he adds up a message that “I would like to add you to my network because I need some help with marketing my new app I designed” or maybe for some job recommendations, or maybe he wants you to help to get a job opportunity. Make sense right?

Tips to get a positive response from the professionals on the LinkedIn:

  1. You have to send a short, to the point message with the invitation.
  2. Always add their name in the message, just Hi or Hey doesn’t seem personal.
  3. The message should be very clear and answer the what and why.
  4. Add a personal touch by wishing them with some warm words.
  5. View their profile first before sending the invite to someone.
  6. When sending invite mention something about common skills.

#4 Sharing Old & Copied Information

Posting very old information articles, news or blog posts are really
very harmful to your LinkedIn profile. Connections are not interested in
watching what was trending last month. They want to see fresh content,
new information with some good resource mentions.

Another mistakes people making by posting someone else’s content
without giving them credits. This is the most illegal practice you must
avoid immediately. You can copy paste other posts by just thinking
people won’t find out. These days a lot of tools are available to detect
it. The generation is really smart enough to figure out the ways.

And the most stupid mistake is using the wrong hashtags in the posts.
LinkedIn started the feature where people can follow the hashtags to
find the recent post around that subject. But some people using this
feature for bad practiced getting found. You can’t use wrong or
irrelevant hashtags just to get more views on your post. Adding a bunch
of hashtags here and there in the content might get you the views but no

According to the studies –

“3 million users share content weekly on LinkedIn. 91% of marketing
executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content.
LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites
& blogs.”

LinkedIn algorithm works differently as compare to the Facebook and
Twitter feeds. LinkedIn feed doesn’t show everything your network is
posting by default. That’s because it’s only showing content it believes
is relevant to you.

Source: Hubspot


Use Feedly, BuzzSumo tools to find the fresh content to share on
LinkedIn. You can find trending topics as well with these tools. Always
post relevant and recent content, articles, blog posts, videos, etc.

When you are sharing another person’s post to help them get more
views, please share their post instead of copy paste. If you loved some
content and you don’t know the original source, post as anonymous. Give
people credit for their post creativity and knowledge.

Use hashtag tools available online, you can find most searched
hashtags in those tools. These tools help you find the right hashtags,
with the insights, global ranking, industry, and relevancy.

#5 Long Introductory Notes

Sending long introductory notes with a lot of sales links embedded –
Worst start! When professionals add people in their network, they
immediately receive a long message, which very obviously seems copy
pasted, without name and context. With too many links and project and
client details etc.

Why would somebody want to know immediately about your company? They
connected to you, means they might have other things in their mind. You
can’t just bombard someone with a sales message. It’s really bad


This can’t be your first interaction with your connection, right?

Hello Sir/Madam,

How is your day? Let me introduce myself,

I’m XYZ. I work for an online marketing company… a complete
digital branding company ..Here is a brief information About my company

ABC is one of the top most digital marketing company for more
business growth. We started our services in 2009. till now, we have that
no.1 brand mark in digital marketing services. We are proudly
announcing that ABC is successfully providing digital marketing services
to offshore, Malaysia, USA, Australia, and Canada. Utterly, We will
give the assurance on keywords position if and only if you have taken
our regular working process.

Our Services are : Digital marketing SEO(search engine
optimization). SMO(Social media optimization). SMM(social media
marketing). PPC(pay per click) management. Custom software development.
Hospital management software. Educational management software.

For More Details Contact :.

Please check out my website and I am Eagerly waiting For Quick Response.

Visit us:website

Mail us: [email protected]



If you want people to genuinely take an interest in your product or company then, You have to build a relationship.

  • Simply start the conversation with small introductory thank you message to add you in their network.
  • Then you can ask some questions about the common skills you share with them.
  • Giving them regards, wishing them for their achievements, will enhance your relationship with your connections.
  • After that, you may ask them if you can help them in any manner, and
    then you can share some details about the product or services you could
    offer them.

The note you write should be crisp and clear, up to the points,
because the people does not spend lot of time on LinkedIn, so you have
to deliver your purpose in few sentences.

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