7 Smart Ideas To Get An Eye On Your Blog

If you want your blog to be popular and visible to the targeted audience, you have to expand your reach. This means you need to make efforts to drive targeted traffic to your blog. There is a number of ways by which you can generate traffic and get an eye on your blog.

Here are 7 smart ideas that have the potential to grow your audience and get an eye on your blog:

1. Begin To Network With Other Bloggers

As you begin networking, your traffic will start increasing. Not only this but the shares and engagement on your blog will also rise. Because in blogging it’s not about what you know, it’s who you know. Once you have created a strong bond with other bloggers, that’s when you will find out the ways to help each other. However, there must be mutual benefit.

You can engage with other bloggers on social networks. This may involve sharing the content of each other’s posts and replying to the comments. You can also leave a helpful comment on other blogs that will help you get noticed. Another way to network is by becoming the part of blooming community in your niche. You can use subreddits, Facebook groups and forums to connect with other bloggers.

2. Create Your Tribe And Invite Other Bloggers

Creating your tribes is a prominent way to get noticed. Triberr is one such social platform that can help you to share your content. This is also a well-known method to increase reach, connect with other bloggers and grow your targeted audience.

On Triberr, you can easily find tribes of bloggers working in various niches. One great way is to create your own themed tribes. Then you will be able to search other bloggers who write on the same topics.

3. Create Content Your Target Audience Wants To Read

If you are publishing the content that people want to read, you will definitely grow your readership at a faster rate. And if you keep writing the right content, those people will stick around.

Before you start writing, you must know your targeted audience and what they want. You can also make use of SEMrush and other such tools to find trending topics.

4. Encourage Social Sharing

If you are getting more social shares, you are likely to get more traffic. With each new person sharing your content, you get many new readers and a loyal audience, too. Therefore, take steps to encourage your reader to share the content.

5. Contribute To Top Blogs In Your Niche

If you are interested in growing your audience, pitching guest posts to the top bloggers in your niche is an effective way. However, you must make sure that the guest post you contribute must be of good quality and deliver some useful information to the audience.

6. Encourage Readers To Subscribe

Creating an email list is one of the topnotch ways to let people know about your blog and encourage them to keep coming back.

You can follow some tips to get started:

  1. Use an email provider: Using email providers like MailChimp allows you to send emails to your subscribers whenever you want. Moreover, you get control on what your mail will look like. You also get an option to create a sequence of mails your new subscribers will get, accompanied by analytics.
  2. Provide something free in exchange for an email address: Every one of us likes the free stuff. People are more likely to give you their email address if they are getting some free resources. It could be a guide, checklist or even a tool.

7. Make Your Blog Easy To Browse

Your ultimate goal should be answering the question, “How do I make the user experience simple and tidy?” Everything on your blog must have a purpose. If there is something that is of no help, it shouldn’t be on the blog. Moreover, you must mention what your blog is about and for whom it is beneficial. Make menu items easy to locate and remove unnecessary clutter. If there is anything that could be removed, don’t hesitate to do it.

Also read: Social Media Engagement 101: How To Help Increase Your Follower Interaction

Final Thoughts

Now you have few effective and smart ways to get an eye on your blog and grow the audience. Follow these ideas, and your audience will keep coming back for more content.

Author BIO:

Ankur Aggarwal is a Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, Traveler, Blogger, Foodie. He has multiple websites but incomeboy.com is his new venture. The purpose of Incomeboy is to pass on 100% accurate and genuine information on making and saving more money either online or offline in India. Write to him at contact@incomeboy.com.

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