7 Things that a Law Firm website should have in order to increase conversion rate

You might start doubting an SEO agency’s credibility if it suggests that changing the contact button on your website from green to blue can land you more clients. After all, it is just a button, right? Wrong! It is so much more because the world of web marketing progresses on such minor changes. These can be used to distinguish between law firms that accomplish their goals and those that don’t.

Similarly, the use of a plain old CTA like Contact Us is of little or no help in getting your point across to your potential clients. You’d need a message that clarifies what you can do for them – and why they should contact you!

In fact, research at Stanford University showed that more than 45% of the people use the website’s design as the determining factor to decide whether a company is credible or not. Can you imagine that even after having the most capable lawyers in town, your firm could lose to competition just because your site looks unprofessional?

Well, it is time you not only do that but also practice these seven things to increase conversion rate:

1.      Work on your unique selling proposition (USP)

The USP is something that only your firm can offer to your customers. It’s an influential factor that converts potentials into clients. Therefore, display it prominently on your homepage and set your firm apart from your competition.

Remember not to get too gimmicky because people expect their lawyers to be professionals and great at what they do. Your USP should be accurate and believable. The clearer it is, the more customers it will draw to your website.

2.      Stop underestimating the importance of testing

No matter how small a change is, sharp-eyed users and visitors will observe it on your website. Whether it is the language you are experimenting with, or the color of the font, it can affect your conversion rates. This is why you need to test everything from buttons to headlines and even the link placements. A good Law Firm SEO agency will tell you that simple adjustments can lead to big shifts in the client’s behavior.


3.      Clarity in value proposition is essential

Studies have shown that the average visitor to a website dedicates about 8 seconds to decide if he is interested. That’s almost no time! Or wait, is it? Yes, it is if you have the right SEO team working for you. The content they produce is optimized to instantly form a connection with the visitors to your website.

Professionals only use the content on your website that lets your visitors know they’ve come to the right place. One thing that can help in this regard is to make it clear immediately, that you are the legal help they need.

Even if their problem doesn’t fall under the domains of the law you practice, your content should guide them to a reputable place that can help them. And if it does, you want them to see you as a firm with experts that have the deep knowledge and experience to help them with their specific problem. To a potential client, your other expertise won’t matter. Their only concern is something that caters to their problem. Let them know!

  1. Get Verified

There is a Google+ business page for every professional. You just have to set up yours, if you haven’t done it already. Do it here. After you are done, Google will send you a verification code on a postcard in the mail. You can use it to claim your business on Google+. What good would this do? It makes your business entitled for a mention in localized / maps searches. This means that your clients will have an easier time locating you. It will also enable potentials to show up at a law firm near them.

  1. Make It Navigable

What is the main purpose of your company’s website? To guide more clients towards your business. Then what is the one thing that it must have? It should be easy to use! Instead of using complicated language that can end up frustrating a client looking for legal help, keep things simple. Prominently display the main menu bar on your website, so the clients don’t have to look for it. Anything that makes your website more navigable is a good idea. Ask the SEO experts that you’ve hired for other schemes.

  1. Let your firm’s personality come forth

Most people come across a lawyer rarely in their professional role. Usually, the level of emotions surrounding situations that demand lawyers is quite high. This is why potential clients can end up feeling uncomfortable around lawyers. The only thing that can help them to view your firm in its true light – as professionals who are ready to assist them with their legal troubles – is by personalizing it.

Your SEO agency always tells you that doing this through your content is quite easy. Your potential clients need to know why helping them matters to your firm. They should understand how your attorneys are excellent in relating to various scenarios that your customers could be facing.


7.      Practicing offsite SEO

Everybody who has access to the internet knows that Google happens to be the top search engine globally. What many law firm owners don’t know – unless they hire a great SEO agency – is how it judges a site and then ranks it to be of quality or crummy. One of the factors that Google’s decision is based on is the presence of backlinks. When another website endorses your website, a backlink is created. The more websites your law firm has endorsing in, the more legitimate Google will consider you. Therefore, backlinks are a good way of proving yourself to be Google’s trusted resource. Start building them!

Which of these seven things are you already doing? Have they worked out for you? Do you have any more ideas that can help boost conversion rates? Share them with us!

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