7 Tips to Reduce Money Stress Before it Takes Over Your Life

Having money troubles can be one of the most stressful things in life. Worrying about how to pay the bills or get out of debt can lead to many sleepless nights. This is something many bloggers and entrepreneurs in the making have to deal with all the time.

Whether you are working a 9-to-5 or a full-time job, and trying to do a side hustle to make some money on the side — it’s all about money management and making sure you are prepared for the unexpected.

If you feel a pit in your stomach every time you think about money, it can seem pretty hopeless. How do you get out of it? What can you do?

1 in 4 people report lower performance at work due to the stress of money worries. If you feel the same way, try not to worry. There’s a way out of everything and there are ways to help.

Don’t let money stress get you down. Read on for seven tips to reduce your money worries and get on with your life, and we even threw in a couple on how to make some money online in the process.

Don’t Let Money Stress Get You Down

Take a deep breath and focus. There is always a way through it when financial troubles arise. Don’t let them control you, start taking control instead. When you take charge of your finances you can start to take charge of your life.

Below you will find some of the best advice in relation to money and financial management, while also trying to better manage your stress in the process. We’ve even listed a few ways to make additional money online in your spare time.

1. Face the Statements

When you’re struggling with money, it’s easy to ignore the statements and hope they’ll go away. But that’s not helping anybody, and it’s only making the problem worse.

Rip off the band-aid and look at your bank statements. Sure, it might be bad, but at least you’ll know. When you know the extent of your finances, you can start to take charge of them.

2. Make a Budget

Once you know the state of your finances, you can start to make a budget. If you’re spending too much on unnecessary things, cut them out. Try to reduce your phone bill or cancel a subscription.

The more you reduce your spending, the more you can start saving. Use these savings to chip away at your debt or put money away in a savings account.

3. Start Writing in Your Spare Time

One of the most amazing things about the internet, is that there are so many different ways to make money online. With blogging, this is a path that definitely takes a lot of work and time before seeing any actual money coming in.

However, if you start to focus on your writing skills and being a freelance writer in your spare time, there is no reason why you couldn’t earn $500 to $1000 a month from the comfort of your own home.

Using sites like TextBroker, iWriter, and many others, freelance writers get paid immediately after their writing work is completed. These jobs can pay anywhere from $5 to $40+ for a 500-word article.

Did we get your attention?

4. Get a Financial Advisor

When things are tough, go to the professionals. For example, a financial advisor like Hoyes, Michalos & Associates can help put your mind at ease and work alongside you to come up with a plan to better manage your money and also help pay down your debt in the process.

They are sort of like therapists, but for finances. They can get you on the right track with your money and make it easier to hit your savings goals. They’ll help address your money problems and form a plan with you on how to change it for the better.

5. Get Another Job

It may be the last thing you want to do, but the most necessary. Getting another job part-time to supplement your income can help a lot.

Whether you work a couple nights a week or work a new job at home, it all helps. The extra income can help you get back on your feet in no time. It doesn’t have to be permanent, only until you get your finances on track.

6. Offer Your Skills or Expertise on Fiverr

Did you know that there are thousands of people paying for simple and crazy micro-jobs through sites like Fiverr.com, for $5 and up?

It’s true — and these jobs really range all over the place.

We are talking about everything from drawing pictures, writing jobs, prank calling people, coming up with ideas and much more.

Even if you created a new job and only got one new order per day a $5 each, that’s an extra $150 per month on the side.

Check out the site and see what jobs are doing well, then see what you might be able to come up with for yourself.

7. Talk it Out

Sometimes it can be uncomfortable to talk about money. This is especially so when you come across money worries. It can be embarrassing to admit you’re having trouble.

But don’t keep it all in. Talk it out with someone you trust. A problem shared is a problem halved, and they may be able to help you find a way through it. Even talking about it can take the weight off your shoulders and ease the burden.

Worry Less About Money Stress

It’s easy for money stress to get us down, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. There are lots of things you can do to get back on track. These 5 tips will have you back on your feet in no time.

Find this useful? Check out this article for more helpful tips on how blogging can improve your career and financial situation.

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