9 Innovative Strategies to Generate Leads from Your Business Website

A website creates those first few precious impressions on
potential customers. It’s at the heart of any digital
marketing activity and a key touch-point for a business to start a conversation
with its audience. Many marketers struggle to get leads from this essential
online marketing channel.

In a dynamic business environment, it’s critical to work on
implementing the latest lead generation tools and strategies on your business

Wondering how it all works? Here are some unique and productive
ways to turn your website into a lead generation powerhouse.

Integrate a Personalized Chatbot

An automated live-chat system, a Chatbot interacts with site
visitors and answers their queries. The AI-based system comes with several
features to convert visitors into leads:

  • It’s available to interact with
    users 24/7
  • Creates audience segments based on
    user data
  • Provides personalized experiences to
    visitors by tracking their preferences
  • Offers quick solutions to queries
    and does away with waiting time
  • Replaces lead forms and engages
    site-visitors in real-time

For example, RapidMiner got 10,000 new
by replacing website lead forms
with a Chatbot. The system helps boost sales team performance by managing first
level site interactions.

It’s easy to implement a website Chatbot using a tool like Botsify
or Drift.

2.    Setup a Callback System

About 70% of the consumers surveyed
about their customer service preferences said they would rather speak to a
human customer representative. – Retail Dive

According to New Voice Media, 75% of consumers say a phone call is the quickest way to get a response.

A call-back system provides users with an opportunity to get into
a call with the company’s sales representative. Marketers can implement a tool
like Limecall, to integrate a call-back system. The tool shows a call widget to
visitors who’re most likely to convert. It’s a unique way to add a personal
touch to your site’s user experience and generate more leads.

Another useful strategy is to add a click-to-call button on your
site. The button allows users a quick and easy way to call up and speak to your
company’s representative. Here’s a
useful guide
on how to create links to telephone
numbers and put in place a click-to-call button.

3.    Implement an Automated Lead
Generation System

An automated lead generation system tracks a site visitor’s
company and contact details. Businesses can implement a system like Albacross
to keep tabs on first-time and repeat visitors. The tool integrates with your
CRM-system and keeps populating it with new contacts. An intelligent next step
is to do a bulk outreach to understand more about site visitors and add them to your
qualified lead pipeline. Here are some useful tips:

  1. Send out a survey to understand a prospect’s current set of challenges and preferences.
  2. Offer a newsletter subscription with a clear option to unsubscribe.
  3.  5th, 7th, and 12th of the month are the top days to schedule your campaign; the best days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  4. Keep your subject lines simple – a good approach is to be consultative and not hard-sell your products/services.

4. Recover
Abandoned Carts Through Text Messages

The lead generation technique can work well for eCommerce stores.
You can implement a simple text messaging system like SlickText to recover
abandoned carts on your eCommerce website. The innovative strategy helped
several of SlickText’s clients to benefit from text message campaigns
reminding site visitors to come back and complete their purchase:

  1. A client recovered $156,915 in 30 days
  2. Another client achieved 792 extra sales in 30 days. Almost two-thirds of visitors who left the site came back and made the purchase.

Here are useful tips to run SMS campaigns to retrieve abandoned

  1. Send a quick follow-up message after the cart has been abandoned.
  2. Use a powerful and relevant call-to-action that encourages users to sign up.
  3. Add a link to help them complete the purchase.
  4. Send a series of reminder messages at regular intervals.

5. Run
Interactive Content Campaigns

70 percent of marketers say that interactive content is effective
at converting site visitors. -DemandGen Report

Marketers can explore a variety of
interactive content formats including quizzes, games, contests, polls,
interactive tools, and assessments. For example, Fit Father Project, a
healthcare company, targeting middle-aged men, created a quiz called “Are you a
Fit Father?”

The quiz helped the audience
understand their current fitness levels and health. It then suggested a
personalized solution based on users’ answers and encouraged them to sign-up for a compelling
offer. The healthcare company was able to generate 15000 new leads from the campaign.

Here is another inspiring example of
an interactive content piece by Earth Day:

The plastic pollution calculator
helps users to understand their current plastic consumption and how they can
reduce it. The purpose is to help the audience feel good about working towards
saving the environment.

6. Optimize your
Landing Pages

optimization techniques can help you improve website
signups. For instance, in this example, Highrise was able to achieve a 102 percent increase in
lead-collection by showing a human image while displaying lesser information
about the company on its landing-page.

Besides making a landing page visually appealing and human,
marketers can work on making it easy for visitors to sign-up for a service or a
newsletter subscription. Airbnb, for instance, makes use of social media signups to simplify user experience
and expedite the registration process. 

They have kept the landing page
layout clean – a user sees the full contact form only after she chooses to
sign-up with email.

Marketers need to keep testing and optimizing their landing pages.
A good way to understand visitor-activity and preferences is to implement a
heatmap tool. The software enables marketers to get a visual representation of
clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements on a page or a unique section on it. These
insights give a clear direction about how to improve a web page. For example,
Bannersnack, an online design tool, conducted a heatmap analysis for its website. The team at
Bannersnack was able to improve website sign-ups by 25% by doing a small tweak – a bigger call-to-action with more

7. Publish Audience-Centric

According to this study by Databox, content marketing is the most reliable channel for B2B lead
generation. Publishing audience-centric content is one of the best ways to generate
leads from your business website. The strategy can help marketers build a loyal
audience for their content leading to repetitive site visits and recurring

For instance, SecureWorks, a cybersecurity company consistently produced educational
content to get
a 50% higher conversion rate

Share your content on social media

media is inevitable.

nearly 3
users worldwide, you can bet that your target
audience is on social media.

a social listening tool like Mention, you can:

  1. Listen to your market and identify on which social media platforms you should focus: you shouldn’t post on all social media platforms. It would be time-consuming and most-likely inefficient. Instead, we recommend focusing on 2 to 3 social media platforms.
  1. Schedule your social media posts well in advance to maximize their impact. The idea is to take 1 – 2 hours a week, tops, to schedule all your social media communications, from one place, instead of having to log in individually to each platform each time you need to post something.

9. Invest in an
Introductory Video

On average, people stay 2 minutes longer on sites with videos than they do on sites without them. An introductory video is a great way to tell your brand story and get the users hooked. The best place to add such a video is the home page of your website. Most intro videos tell the audience about the larger purpose of a business. Such videos can talk about how the company came into being, who all are behind it and what are some of their key achievements.

An introductory video builds brand trust among site visitors
helping them to take action. It helps humanize your branding building a strong
emotional connection with first-time visitors.

Take a look at this
example of a brand video
from Casper. The
video brings out the mattress company’s purpose of providing quality sleep to
its customers. It also talks about Casper’s product – its key features and

Final Thoughts

A company’s online presence plays a
critical role in helping fetch new prospects and customers. Online users have
the power to do ample research before they can make an informed purchase
decision – they have become far more active at finding the most suitable
products and services. Businesses are, therefore, switching from traditional
lead-generation methods such as advertising, cold calling, and referrals to
connect with the evolved online buyer of today. A website is an essential
channel to get prospects to find your business and provide them with some great
experiences and information.

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